10 Celebrities Who Ruined Their Hair

April 17, 2015 by Andriena Baldwin

From reds to blues and long to short, we've seen some of our favorite stars change their hair more often than they change their men. (Did you think we'd say underwear?) But those transformations sometimes come with the hefty price of breakage, brittleness or bald spots. Click through the slideshow for some true Hollywood hair stories.[Photos: Splash News, Shutterstock]
Jennifer Lawrence said her hair was fried and couldn't get any uglier during a Yahoo! interview. So she chopped it off.
According to the Daily Mail, Jennifer Aniston was forced to cut her hair short after a bad Brazilian blowout.
How can we talk about stars with damaged hair without mentioning Naomi Campbell? Those wigs and weaves are finally taking a toll on her edges.
Remember when Ariana Grande was a soft-spoken redhead on Nick? She wrote on her Facebook that the color damaged her hair so badly, she, and her strands, are still recovering.
Kelly Osbourne wrote about her 2009 hair horror story which caused this cut. She said the hairdresser forgot about her with a treatment in her hair, and 1 hour and 45 minutes later, she had a "scab for a head."
Believe it or not, this is the back of Lindsay Lohan's head. We can only guess this is the result of bad extensions.
Lady Gaga told the Daily Mail that her bleach-blonde color was making her hair fall out, hence the wigs.
Maybe Britney Spears had a reason to shave her head--she wanted to start from scratch after losing her edges.
Looking closely at older photos, you can see where Nicole Richie's hair was fried from trying to blend it in with her weaves.
During a 2013 interview at Sundance, January Jones said her hair was falling out in clumps because of her dye jobs.


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