2 Pantry Items You Shouldn’t Be Snacking On Anymore—They Cause Fast Weight Gain!

May 14, 2022 by Marissa Matozzo


When trying to lose or maintain weight, it’s important to reevaluate what you consume on a daily basis and find healthier alternatives for high-calorie, high-sugar or junk food snacks. With that said, we checked in with health experts to learn more about 2 different types of common foods that cause quicker weight gain than others (and these popular items just might be found in your own pantry). Read on for tips, suggestions and insight from Jay Cowin, NNCP, RNT, RNC, CHN, CSN, registered nutritionist and Director of Formulations at ASYSTEM, and Trista Best, MPH, RD, registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements.

White Bread

From sandwiches to toast, bread is an important inclusion in many of our daily recipes and meals, so the type of bread you reach for matters more for your health than you might realize. “White bread is lower in dietary fiber than whole grain bread options,” Best explains, adding that eating this daily could lead to faster weight gain. Also, she stresses, this makes white bread “less able to lower cholesterol, prevent overeating,” and feed healthy gut bacteria as opposed to a healthier, whole grain option. This type of bread, she advises, should be “eaten in moderation due to its processed and refined nature,” as it is “calorically dense and inflammatory.” Ultimately, “white bread is made with refined carbohydrates and lacking in fiber and other beneficial nutrients,” Best says, explaining that eating this “on a regular basis will lead to weight gain because most white breads are made from refined grains, sugar, and preservatives.”

Canned Meats

Buying your favorite foods in canned versions can be convenient and easily accessible, but Cowin warns that canned meats can make faster weight gain and an array of health issues a greater reality if eaten often. “A lot of canned meats are also processed, meaning they contain chemicals and other additives that can be unhealthy,” Cowin says. Canned meat, he notes, can lead to weight gain because it is often high in sodium, unhealthy fats, and additives. “When consumed in excess, these ingredients can cause the body to retain water and pack on the pounds, as well as increase the risk of developing high blood pressure,” he adds. If you're looking to maintain a healthy weight, Cowin suggests that a “better option would be to choose fresh, unprocessed meat while consuming it in moderation.”

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