Amazon Is Cheaper For Most Household Items–Except This One At Walmart

March 28, 2023 by Alana Valko


Whether you are a loyal shopper at Walmart or an add-to-cart buff on Amazon, it’s no secret that these major retailers known for cheap prices are constantly competing for your business. But who’s winning the ongoing price war? For most items, Amazon fares better prices—the ability to “Subscribe and Save,” which allows you to receive discounts when you sign up for recurring deliveries, knocks cash off the already low prices offered by the store. 

While Amazon typically reigns supreme for cheaper prices, there is one item at Walmart that consistently beats Amazon out in price—hand soap!


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Hand Soap Is Cheaper At Walmart Than On Amazon

That’s right; for cheaper prices, you’ll want to shop for hand soap at Walmart, which costs less than rival Amazon, reports CordCutter News. When looking at the retailers’ respective brands (Equate at Walmart and Amazon Basics at Amazon), you will save $0.03 more per fluid ounce of soap at Walmart over Amazon.

Walmart sells its Equate hand soap for $3.52 per 50-ounce bottle, which converts to a cost of $0.07 per fluid ounce. Comparatively, Amazon sells its Amazon Basics hand soap for $5.68 per 56-ounce bottle or about $0.10 per fluid ounce. 

The cost is marginal, but if you are bulk buying or shopping for a family, every penny adds up, so you may want to consider choosing Walmart over Amazon the next time you stock up.

Products You Should Buy On Amazon For Cheaper Prices

Now, as CordCutter News found in their report, there are some products you’ll want to shop on Amazon if you are looking to save right now. 

1. Laundry Detergent

According to their report, you’ll find laundry detergent and trash bags typically cost less on Amazon. Walmart sells a 154 fluid-ounce jug of Tide detergent for $21.24, which they say equates to about 107 loads of laundry. That comes to about $0.20 cents a load.

Comparatively, Amazon sells a 105-fluid-ounce liquid jug of Tide for $16.35 (about $0.17 cents/load) with Subscribe and Save, which is the option you can choose to auto-fill your product every few weeks and lowers the product’s price. That’s definitely the cheaper option than Walmart at $0.20 cents a load, but if you just want to purchase the detergent one time on Amazon, it will run you $19.24, which converts to the same price at $0.20 cents per load 

The result? As a one-time purchase, you can shop from either retailer for the same price. But if you use Amazon’s Subscribe and Save, you’ll save about $0.03 cents per load. 

2. Trash Bags

While shopping for trash bags is not-so-glamorous, we all have to do it, and right now, shopping on Amazon will save you money. 

Walmart sells its name-brand Great Value 120-count trash bags for around $18.12 a box, which comes to about $0.15 cents a bag. Amazon sells its Amazon Basics 200-count trash bags for about $24.67 a box at regular price (though they’re currently on sale for $19.37!), which becomes about $0.12 cents a bag—and, you can get that price for even less with Subscribe and Save, which brings the price to about $0.08 per bag.

The result? Whether you’re shopping for a one-time purchase or choosing a refill option, Amazon fares a better price right now. You will save around $0.03 to $0.07 cents per trash bag!

Customers Debate Walmart Vs. Amazon

It’s true that you can find cheaper goods at one store over the other certain products. Yet when it comes to the retailers’ subscription services (Amazon Prime and Walmart+, respectively), which both offer free delivery and additional savings at a monthly fee ($14.99/month at Amazon, and $12.95/month on Walmart), shoppers have noticed the benefits are a little more nuanced.

In reply to CordCutter’s report on Twitter, one user wrote, “We don’t have the best Amazon delivery service around here,” adding that, “packages were taken to the wrong address, and I watched them throw packages on my porch camera.” They added, “I actually canceled Amazon and went to Walmart+ recently.”

Another replied, “I have Amazon prime and I don’t have Walmart+.” However,  “When I have a $35+ order from Walmart online, I get most things in 2 days,” they said. “With Amazon prime, it is usually 4 days or longer.”

When it comes to the retailers’ respective subscription services, shoppers seem to consider not only the cost of the service but the quality as well—and in these cases, how timely their packages get delivered and how they get handled. 

Services and subscriptions aside, if you’re just looking at product prices, one store typically wins over another. As reported, Amazon wins for cheaper laundry detergent and trash bags, and you’ll find hand soap for less at Walmart. 

No matter the case, it’s important to shop around to save money. In the war between Walmart and Amazon, both stores offer competitive prices and services, so you may want to shop at the other store from time to time to ensure you are getting the best price. At least we know where we’ll be stocking up on hand soap next!

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