Amy Lost 150 Lbs. By Making These Simple Lifestyle Changes

February 4, 2021 by Merrell Readman

via Amy Freinberg-Trufas

As told by Amy Freinberg-Trufas, author of “FOOD: Eat with Ease Everyday – Make the Life You Want. Be Happy!” to Merrell Readman.

I struggled with what the medical community called “morbid obesity” my whole life.  My father’s deathbed words changed my life and led me to find my “why” – my most inner truth about what I wanted to create in my life, and losing weight was my first and foremost need.

Once I had my "why," I knew I needed to educate myself about nutrition and moving in a way that was both successful to my goal and healthy for my body. I downloaded a nutrient counter and started to track everything I put into my mouth. I moved every day. I thought about my why. Every pound that I lost motivated me to keep going.

Being as overweight as I was, I began to notice results quickly. The human body is amazing! Once I was able to feed it with high-test fuel, and exercise, it responded by shedding extra weight in short order. There's no mystery to sustainable weight loss. Find out your metabolic rate (a registered dietician can check this for you) and create a diet and exercise plan that results in a net loss of calories. The weight will come off. Then, just exercise to build strength and keep your mind and body healthy

The biggest thing that helped with my weight loss was finding my “why”. This was my beacon, my lighthouse and my innermost truth. Anytime I think of this message, even to this day, it resonates with me as truth and strength. It works for anything I am not at ease with - it's powerful.

My advice for anyone in the same position I was in is to have patience. Find your own "why”. Get curious about food and understand that its first job is to fuel your body. Move every day. Consult with experts if you need support. They say that you are a direct result of the five people you spend the most time with. Choose careful and surround yourself with a love tribe that supports you and your goals. When you start your weight-loss journey, you may feel "at odds" with the overweight you - and she may feel difficult to love. But realize that love is exactly what she needs. Each little success is a way to show her love. As you put one foot in front of the other, and make the next right choice, you are creating space for that love. It will grow and thrive. Create ease!

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