The One Anti-Inflammatory Drink You Should Have In The Morning To Kick Start Fat Loss, According To Experts

September 21, 2018 by Jessica Harrington


For people who suffer from inflammation, anti-inflammatory drinks are essential for managing daily stomach pain.

Instead of starting your morning off with a cup of coffee, add in this inflammation-fighting drink. I know what you’re thinking, how dare I even suggest such a thing, but from one coffee addict to another, making your cup of joe the second thing you drink instead of the very first can make a huge difference in how you’re feeling for the rest of the day.

So many people, celebrities, experts, and other, all swear by this apple cider vinegar drink to start their morning and increase fat-loss. Here’s why:

Apple cider vinegar is great for your body and your immune system, not just inflammation. It lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels, aids digestion, and promotes belly fat loss. If you’re inflamed, the apple cider vinegar drink soothes a bloated stomach and speeds up the digestive process, kick-starting weight loss.

The vinegar helps you feel fuller longer right at the start of your day, therefore you consume fewer calories. Additionally, in a study of 175 people with obesity, daily consumption of the anti-inflammatory drink led to fat loss, according to Healthline

But that’s not all this anti-inflammatory drink can do. The acidic vinegar also helps kill harmful bacteria in your gut. This is essential because a build up of bad bacteria in your digestive tract is the leading cause to inflammation and discomfort.

If you’re sold on starting your day with this fat-burning, anti-inflammatory drink, here’s how to start adding it into your diet:

Combine 8 oz. of water with 1-2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Add in 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper or lemon juice to further promote weight loss, and one tablespoon of honey to sweeten up the drink if you find it to be unpleasant to drink.

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