The One Anti-Inflammatory Food You Should Eat For Weight Loss Over 30, According To A Nutritionist

October 16, 2017 by Alonna Travin

Trying to battle weight gain in your 30s? Reducing inflammation in the body by eating this specific food can help.

[Photos: Shutterstock]

“Blueberries are extraordinarily high in polyphenols, micronutrients that combat cellular stress by slowing down and blocking the inflammatory response in the body,” says Violet Santana, nutritionist and author of Operation Cleanse - 14 Day Detox to Reset Digestion and Weight Loss.

Inflammation in the body leads to hormonal imbalances that increase abdominal fat and make weight loss extra challenging. Preventing extra pounds is particularly frustrating as women age and their metabolisms slow.
Eating blueberries has been linked to anti-aging, lowering cholesterol, preventing heart disease, improving memory and reducing insulin sensitivity.
When blueberries are in season you can eat them straight from the container (they’re low in calories and high in fiber) for a sweet snack. Add them into yogurt, oatmeal, smoothies and salads. Use frozen blueberries when fresh ones are scarce. Boil them down into a healthy jam or sauce, or defrost them for snacking.
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