The One Anti-Inflammatory Snack You Should Bring To Work For Weight Loss

October 17, 2017 by Leah Carton

Seeking out anti-inflammatory foods is essential for weight loss. And if you've already found ways to make anti-inflammatory meals, you can continue to carry that over to the snacks that you buy and the food that you bring with you when you're on-the-go. In fact, there's one particular anti-inflammatory snack you should bring to work for weight loss.

[Photos: Shutterstock]


You don't have to say goodbye to crunchy snacks when you're trying to lose weight. And popcorn can actually be a healthy option--as long as you don't load it up with butter. Plain popcorn contains health benefits like whole grains, fibers, and antioxidants. And you can also spinkle different spices onto your popcorn to make it more flavorful, and give it more anti-inflammatory benefits. 

According to Prevention, popcorn, unlike fruits and vegetables, contains only four percent water. Prevention points out that the antioxidants found in popcorn help fight inflammation. You should also avoid microwaveable popcorn varieties, and instead choose air-popped popcorn since it is typically lower in calories.  

Add Anti-Inflammatory Spices To Popcorn

Oprah.com also has a unique suggestion for your favorite go-to snack. According to Oprah.com, you should look at popcorn as a blank canvas that can have many nutritional benefits added to it-- such as anti-inflammatory herbs and spices. Some of which include turmeric, rosemary, and oregano. 

We've got you covered with all of the best anti-inflammatory foods you should eat for weight loss. For more, make sure to check out the one anti-inflammatory salad ingredient you should include in your meal, and the one anti-inflammatory drink you should have for a flat stomach. 

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