4 Anti-Inflammatory Supplements Doctors Swear By To Melt Belly Fat

December 6, 2018 by SheFinds Health


Everyone is inflamed and bloated from time to time but if you’re someone who suffers from this pesky problem on a regular basis, it may be helpful to get some outside help for the condition. The best way to fight inflammation is to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet that’s packed with essential vitamins and nutrients, but sometimes that still isn’t enough.

Inflammation conditions can affect your body in a variety of ways; from digestive issues, to joint pain, and even stalling weight loss progress. Internal inflammation has been linked to insulin resistance, resulting in weight gain and storing. Since your metabolism depends on these systems to run properly, long-term inflammation can actually decrease your metabolism.

Fortunately for all of us, it’s relatively easy to reduce inflammation and give your metabolism a boost by taking healthy dietary supplements. Taking a supplement ensures you’re getting important nutrients that your body might be lacking.

Ahead, find out more about doctor recommended supplements to fight inflammation and stop weight gain:

1. Probiotics

Healthy bacteria is needed in our guys to help with digestion and fight inflammation-causing, bad bacteria. Taking a probiotic supplement supplies your body with an army of healthy bacteria to stimulate better digestion and gut health. Eating plain yogurt and kefir is also another way to get healthy probiotics in your system, but you have to be sure the counts are high enough to make a difference. That’s why a supplement is ideal.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar helps you lose weight and decreases inflammation in the body. It stimulates weight loss by helping you maintain consistent levels of blood sugar. “Apple cider vinegar is a fermented food that aids digestion and promotes the growth of healthy gut flora,” says Dr. Lisa Davis, chief nutrition officer at Terra’s Kitchen. “Preliminary evidence also suggests that it may help with fat loss.” Having a healthy gut with friendly flora can reduce inflammation and improve digestion. 

3. Ginger

Ginger is known for its amazing anti-inflammatory properties that aid digestion and metabolize excess adipose tissue, otherwise known as fat. “Ginger also decreases hunger and bloating,” says Dr. Marizelle Arce, a naturopathic physician. You can incorporate fresh ginger into your cooking or teas, but if you’re not a fan of the taste a ginger supplement in the morning will provide all the same benefits. 

4. Omega 3 Fish Oil

An omega-3 fish oil supplement helps your body burn extra fat and reduces your appetite, says Dr. Luiza Petre, MD, director of the Medi-Weightloss Clinics. A clinical trial found that women who supplemented their diet and exercise routines with omega-3 fatty acids lost a greater amount of weight, whether or not they followed a restricted calorie diet. 

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