Nutritionists Say These Are The 2 Best Chips To Eat For Weight Loss—And They’re Delicious!

August 26, 2023 by Faith Geiger


One of the most difficult parts of weight loss is giving up some of your favorite snacks. Unfortunately, while they’re undeniably delicious, many of the most popular items are highly processed and terrible for your health—especially if you’re trying to slim down. When it comes to some of the worst offenders, beloved, salty potato chips are definitely at the top of the list. However, there is good news: you don’t have to give up snacking on chips altogether. There are a few healthy options that experts say are great for enjoying in moderation and shedding pounds.

To discover some of the healthiest chips to enjoy while you’re on your weight loss journey, we spoke to Krutika Nanavati, registered dietitian and nutritionist. She told us that veggie chips and sweet potato chips are two great choices. Learn more about the benefits of each below.

1. Veggie chips

It's always important to eat your vegetables—so why not consume them in chip form? According to Nanavati, veggie chips make a great alternative to processed potato chips. They can even be a good way to fit some essential nutrients into your diet while appeasing your cravings for some crunch.

"Veggie chips are made from leafy or root vegetables like kale, spinach, carrots and zucchini, which give them added nutrients and vitamins," Nanavati says. "These chips are usually dried, baked or air-fried, making them a low-calorie snack option." Perfect!

While it's important not to rely on snacks like this for all of your vegetable intake, it is a good compromise for when you're craving something salty but don't want to put your waistline at risk.

2. Sweet potato chips

Sweet potatoes aren't only delicious; they're also a fantastic source of nutrients, and even great for weight loss. And when you bake or air-fry them to make some crunchy, tasty chips, it's hard to think of a better snack.

As Nanavati notes, "Sweet potato chips can be a nutritious alternative to regular potato chips, and they may help promote weight loss." She tells us "sweet potatoes are high in fiber and rich in carbs, which can help keep you full for longer and may reduce your overall calorie consumption." That's a win all around!

So, there you have it: chips can be healthy! Just be sure that, like any other snack, you consume these chips in moderation, as too much of these tasty snacks can still lead to excess calorie consumption and weight gain. But by swapping out your go-to, processed potato chips for healthier options like these (and keeping up with other healthy habits), you'll be one step closer to the body of your dreams.

READ MORE: 4 Healthy Snacks You’ll Actually Want To Eat–& They Help With Weight Loss

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