The One Food You Should Eat Every Single Morning Because It Basically Melts Fat

March 1, 2021 by Merrell Readman


Your diet is one of the most important factors that determines how successful you will be in reaching your weight loss goals. In order to achieve the best results, you must find a way to create a calorie deficit that you can maintain over time without depriving yourself. With this, you’ll have the best luck locating nutritious and delicious foods that will keep you full while meeting your macronutrient needs so that you can optimize the function of your body. Breakfast is incredibly valuable for setting the tone of your day and informing the food choices you will make in the coming hours, so if you’re working to lose weight in a healthy way, this the one food you should eat each morning to do so.

Not only are eggs packed with protein and relatively low in calories, but they are also great for invoking fat burn in your body, leading to easier weight loss. Because eggs are a high protein food, they have a natural ability to increase your metabolism. Medical News Today explains that, “Protein increases a person’s metabolic rate by 15–30 percent. Therefore, eating eggs and other high-protein foods may help people to burn more calories than eating carbohydrates or fats.”

When your metabolism increases, your body begins to burn fat more quickly, and certain foods such as eggs can accelerate this process. According to Healthline, “Eating a high-protein diet has been shown to boost metabolism by up to 80–100 calories a day, through a process called the thermic effect of food. The thermic effect of food is the energy required by the body to metabolize foods, and is higher for protein than for fat or carbs.”

Foods that are higher in protein will help to keep you full for longer, leading to a lower calorie consumption throughout the day. This will help to maintain a calorie deficit which will improve your chances of weight loss when sustained over an extended period of time. Eggs are also an incredibly versatile protein source which can be cooked in a number of different ways to satisfy your cravings. Try a scramble with a handful of spinach and some peppers and onions in the morning to easily increase your vegetable intake throughout the day, providing you with vitamins and minerals to fuel your body.

Weight loss can feel overwhelming if you aren’t sure where to start, but with the right combination of foods to boost your metabolism and help you burn more fat, it can be easier than ever. Eggs are a great breakfast option to keep you full for hours, and they provide you with ample protein to grow your muscles, which in turn will naturally increase your metabolism as well. If you’re feeling in a rut with your sugary cereal breakfasts and want to make a change for the better, try adding eggs into your morning to start your day off right.

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