6 Chair Exercises Trainers Swear By To Slim Down Fat In The Back And Sides Over 50

March 11, 2024 by Mariam Qayum


As we age, maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle becomes increasingly important for overall well-being. Targeting specific areas of concern, such as excess fat in the back and sides, can be achieved through targeted exercises. For individuals over the age of 50, chair exercises offer a convenient and accessible way to stay active, especially for those with mobility challenges or joint issues.

We spoke with Andrew White, a NASM-certified personal trainer and the co-founder of garagegympro, to learn about six chair exercises that can slim down fat in the back and sides for individuals over 50. White shared that seated Russian twists, chair dips, seated leg lifts, chair squats, seated cat-cow stretch, and seated bicycle crunches are some of the best options.

Seated Russian Twists

This exercise targets the obliques, lower back, and abdominal muscles, helping to strengthen and tone the core region. As we age, maintaining a strong core becomes crucial for overall stability and posture, and seated Russian twists provide a simple yet dynamic solution.

"This exercise targets the oblique muscles and helps to tone the sides, aiding in the reduction of side fat," White says.

How to perform: Sit on the edge of a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Lean back slightly, maintaining a straight spine. Clasp your hands in front of you and twist your torso to the right, then to the left, engaging your obliques with each turn.

Chair Dips

Chair dips are a valuable addition to a fitness routine for individuals over 50 aiming to slim down excess fat in the back and sides. This exercise primarily targets the triceps, shoulders, and the muscles of the upper back, contributing to improved strength and tone in these areas.

"Chair dips work the triceps and the muscles across your upper and lower back, helping to reduce back fat," he notes.

How to perform: With your back to the chair, place your hands on the seat behind you, fingers pointing towards your body. Extend your legs forward, and slowly lower your body by bending your elbows, then push back up.

Seated Leg Lifts

Seated leg lifts offer a targeted and accessible chair exercise that aids in slimming down fat in the back and sides, especially for individuals over 50. This workout focuses on engaging the muscles of the lower abdomen, hips, and thighs, promoting strength and toning in the core and lower body. As these muscle groups are activated, they help increase overall metabolism.

"This exercise engages the core and improves posture by strengthening the back muscles," White states.

How to perform: Sit upright with your feet flat on the ground. Straighten one leg at a time and lift it as high as possible, keeping your back straight. Hold for a few seconds before lowering it back down.

Chair Squats

Chair squats provide a low-impact yet effective way to engage large muscle groups, aiding in the improvement of overall metabolism and calorie burning.

White says this exercise "targets the lower back, glutes, and thighs, helping to strengthen and tone these areas."

How to perform: Stand in front of a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your body as if you are going to sit, barely touching the chair's edge, then stand back up.

Seated Cat-Cow Stretch

This gentle stretch involves arching and rounding the spine while seated, targeting the muscles along the back and sides. By fostering flexibility and alleviating tension in these areas, seated cat-cow stretch enhances posture and encourages better body awareness.

"This stretch improves flexibility and mobility in the spine, reducing tension in the back and sides," he reveals.

How to perform: Sit on the edge of the chair, place your hands on your knees. Inhale, arch your back and look up towards the ceiling (Cow), then exhale, round your back, tucking your chin to your chest (Cat).

Seated Bicycle Crunches

This exercise engages the abdominal muscles, including the obliques, while seated, providing a low-impact alternative for those with mobility concerns. Seated bicycle crunches promote core strength and stability, helping to tighten and tone the muscles around the waistline. By targeting the sides and back, this exercise contributes to the reduction of excess fat deposits in these areas.

White says the benefits of this workout is that it "targets the core, especially the obliques, aiding in the reduction of side fat."

How to perform: Sit on the edge of a chair, lean back, and hold onto the sides for support. Lift your knees towards your chest and then extend one leg out at a time, alternating sides, mimicking a bicycle pedaling motion.

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