The Amazing Coffee Hack You Should Try This Week To Burn Stubborn Belly Fat

October 1, 2020 by SheFinds Health


There are a lot of reasons why coffee is good for you. It helps you feel more energized, plus it can help burn fat, speed up the metabolism and aid in weight loss. Not only that, but coffee has been found to reduce risk of certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and Alzheimer’s.

When consumed the right way, coffee can be an excellent tool to aid in weight loss.

Key Benefits Of Coffee For Weight Loss

- High in nutrients including magnesium, potassium and niacin

- Boosts metabolism speed

- Helps to burn body fat

The key to using coffee as a weight loss aid is to avoid adding sugar or too much cream. Plus, there is a secret hack you can use to get the most benefits out of your daily cup of coffee: cocoa powder and flaxseed.

You'll probably be surprised to learn that adding half a teaspoon of cocoa powder to your coffee can actually make it more healthy, but it's true: plain, unsweetened cocoa powder is high in antioxidants that can boost the metabolism.

Similarly, ground flaxseeds promote weight loss because they are rich in fiber, which is filling yet low in calories.

To make this weight loss coffee, all you need to do is mix together 1 teaspoon of coffee grinds with half a teaspoon each of cocoa powder and ground flaxseeds. Get the full recipe here

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