Sharon Osbourne Reveals She’s ‘Under 100 Lb.’ And ‘Can’t Put Weight On’ After Taking Ozempic: ‘Be Careful What You Wish For’

November 29, 2023 by Julia DeKorte

Splash News

Sharon Osbourne is one of the many celebrities who have used Ozempic, the diabetic weight loss drug, but she is one of few to really open up about the side effects of using it. The 71-year-old started taking Ozempic about a year ago, in December of 2022, and has lost 42 lb, but is now warning others against the drug, calling it “very dangerous” in an interview with Weekend magazine.

Ozempic was created for the use of individuals with type-2 diabetes to help manage their blood sugar levels, and can help with weight loss as well. However, Hollywood got ahold of the drug and it has turned into a weight loss trend, with many fans speculating that big names like Khloé Kardashian, Kelly Clarkson, and Oprah Winfrey have used the drug to achieve their newly thinner frames. Sharon Osbourne has not only admitted to using the drug, but is also speaking out about her experience. Keep reading for more information.

Sharon Osbourne warns against Ozempic

The mother-of-three bluntly stated in her interview, "I don't care what people say about the way I look," but at the same time, knows that her current weight is dangerous, and not a good example to set for others. "I'm too gaunt," she explained. "I can't put any weight on."

"I want to," she continued, "because I feel I'm too skinny. I'm under 100 lb and I don't want to be." While Osbourne has always been on the more petite side, she believes she's taken it too far this time.

"You can lose so much weight and it's easy to become addicted to that, which is very dangerous," she said. "I couldn't stop losing weight, and now I've lost 42 lb and I can't afford to lose anymore."

She also warned that not everyone should have access to the drug: "My warning is don't give it to teenagers," explaining that the pounds fall off in a way that's "just too easy."

"Be careful what you wish for," she said in closing.

Fan reactions

Many fans were happy to see Sharon being honest about her experience with Ozempic, especially in comparison to the celebrities that use it, but don't share that they do. Taking to social media to share their thoughts, fans thanked the music manager for her story. "Honesty works," one person wrote. "Good for her. I wish her and the entire family the best."

"I have to give her credit," another fan added. "She's very strong."

"I like her," one fan said. "She's no nonsense and says it how it is. I wish more people were like that."

"At least she's honest," a fourth person commented. "She thought it was the answer, it went too far the other way, and she's prepared to say, 'I chose it, I did it, I accept the consequences.'"

"Just love Sharon's honesty," another fan added.

"We get old, we get too fat, too thin, and if we're learned anything," a final fan posted, "it's to accept aging and be glad we have good health—it's what really matters."

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