Starbucks Just Made A Huge Announcement & People Are Freaking Out!

March 28, 2020 by D.Wolfe


Starbucks has joined the fight against COVID-19, aka coronavirus, the best way they can—with coffee.

The coffee giant has pledged to give frontline responders a free coffee daily through May 3. On the company’s website, they further explain, “Over the last few weeks, partners have found ways to support those who are keeping our communities safe – particularly responders on the front line of the COVID-19 outbreak.”

In addition to free coffee, The Starbucks Foundation will donate $500,000 to Direct Relief and Operation Gratitude to support first responders. Direct Relief and Operation Gratitude helps to coordinate with public health authorities, nonprofit organizations and businesses globally to provide personal protective equipment and essential medical items to health workers responding to coronavirus (COVID-19.)

And that’s not all. The company is taking care of its employees. Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson said that all retail employees will continue to receive payments for “the next 30 days whether or not their store is closed, or they are otherwise unable, or even uncomfortable, coming to work.” As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread in the U.S. and around the world, many service and retail employees are being laid off as stricter shelter in place ordinances are put into effect.

As the pandemic continues to spread, it’s important to follow the shelter-in-place and social distancing guidelines put forth by your local government. However, if you want to support Starbucks and its mission, go ahead and order a cup of coffee. Many locations are still offering drive-thru service.


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