The One Strapless Bra Trick You Should Always Try If You Want To Look 10 Years Younger

October 27, 2018 by Jessica Harrington


Every woman, no matter the chest size, knows it’s not easy to find a good strapless bra. The search is never-ending for a style that stays in place and provides you with support, without being uncomfortable.

While we will admit it is easier to find strapless bras that fit smaller chests, that doesn’t mean the bustier ladies are out of luck. Many older women feel like they can’t wear the strapless bra style because it ages them and won’t fit them properly, but that’s because they just don’t know the right trick.

A well fitted strapless bra will make you look 10 years younger AND feel like a million bucks. Trust us!

The Trick To Looking Better In A Strapless Bra

The key is to look for a strapless bra with a thick bottom strap. This tip is great for women with fuller chests.

If you want to appear younger, leaner, and perkier, the thicker the strap the better. Choosing a strapless bra with sturdy bone siding will not only support your chest but also help smooth out any lumps or bumps around the band. This will give you a nice seamless look. This bra style will allow you to wear your strapless dresses and tops without feeling even the slightest bit self-conscious about it slipping down or looking unflattering.

Shop Strapless Bras With A Thick Band
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