The Scary Reason You Shouldn’t Eat Chips And Salsa At Chain Restaurants

November 28, 2016 by Justine Schwartz

Who doesn't love a good chips and salsa binge when you're at a Mexican restaurant? It's a free or cheap, delicious salty snack that's not overly filling. (That is, if you don't have three baskets worth. No judgement if you do!)

But it turns out there's a *really* disgusting reason why eating the chips and salsa at chain restaurants can actually make you sick. What is it? Click through to find out. >>

The answer is that many chain Mexican restaurants recycle their chips and salsa--meaning they give the same chips and salsa to different tables!--as a cost cutting measure. 

How do we know this? One restaurant recently got caught... (click for the full gruesome story!) 

A Facebook user name Kristie Bowie recently posted this disturbing rant to her page: Kristie claimed that her 16 year-old daughter was a server at a local Mexican restaurant in Michigan, where she was asked to recycle the chips and salsa that "looked" like they haven't been touched! Can't you believe it?

And it turns out this restaurant isn't alone--there are countless other examples on the web of Mexican restaurants admitting to or being accused of by former employees of directing their servers to do the same thing as a cost-cutting measure. 

So gross! Just because someone hasn't eaten half the basket, doesn't mean that they haven't already stuck their fingers in the bowl. 

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