Find Out What Your Hair Color Says About You

August 7, 2015 by SheFinds


Your natural hair color is more that just a physical feature, it actually reveals a lot about your personality! Take a look at the image below. Are you an A, B, C or D?

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What it means:

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A) Determined & Outgoing

If you’re blonde, you are very strong-willed. You always know what you want and go after it. You are also an extrovert and can talk to a wall. Sometimes you butt heads with other blondes. Just remember you have more in common than just your hair color next time you wind up in an argument with a blonde!

B) Original & Scrappy

If you have red hair, you’re one of a kind. Redheads are also very self-sufficient and always looking for solutions. Sometimes your ideas might seem out there to people who do not usually think outside the box. You just need to take some extra time to explain your forward-thinking.

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C) Approachable & Supportive

If you’re a brunette, you are very reliable. You are also someone who is easy to talk to. However, don’t let anyone take advantage of your amiable nature!

D) Direct & Particular

If you have black hair, you have very distinct taste. You know what you like and that’s it! Sometimes this lands you in hot water, or prevents you from trying new things. Just keep an open mind!

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beauty, hair, lifestyle, tips
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