Trapeze Dresses: Hot or Not?

July 16, 2007 by SheFindsJennifer

Every week I get e-newsletters from in my inbox announcing the latest trends. The next time I happen to be in a store I inevitably pick up one or two of these hot, new styles—dying to be at the height of fashion—and see how they look on me. Some things turn out to be a big hit and I wonder how I had ever lived without them before. Others, well… eh.

A few weeks ago the new Diane von Furstenberg arrivals cluttered up my email account with photos from Bloomie’s and Neiman Marcus to Bergdorf and Barney’s —brightly printed trapeze dresses galore. How carefree and easy the dresses hung on the professionally styled models! I later found myself in Zara, my favorite Euro-chic, wallet-friendly retailer, and low and behold: racks full of trapeze styles for as far as the eye could see. I took a few to the dressing room, slipped one on and what can I say… I wanted to love it so bad. I wanted to be one of those effortlessly stylish girls strolling along in the summer heat with my perfectly airy dress flowing in the breeze. But I just felt like I was wearing a tent, a shapeless muumuu with yellow flowers on it.

The thing about the trapeze dress is it just doesn’t seem to do anything for any body type, curvy or skinny. Just check out the photos below. The dress’s lack of shape makes Mandy Moore look heavy, which we all know she’s not. Lily Allen looks short and squat. And Kirsten Dunst, well, she could have rolled out of bed in a sheet and looked better than that. It is just a needed reminder that not every new trend looks good on everyone—or looks good at all for that matter.

What do you think of trapeze dresses? Leave us a comment.

Mandy Moore

Kirsten Dunst

Lily Allen


dresses, fashion
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