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Seems like just yesterday it was summer and we were talking about quick ways to cool down–hint: it’s all about the neck!–and now suddenly it’s time to start thinking about ways to warm up. (If it’s not one thing, it’s another…) The weather has officially turned over to cooler fall temps, which means the mornings and nights are especially cold. If you woke up with a chill this week, felt the urge to put on socks or slippers at night, or if your boss is still blasting the AC all day (yeesh!), here’s a quick refresher on how to warm yourself up fast:
1. Put a scarf on. The sensor for your body temperature is in your neck, so you can trick your brain in to thinking your body is warm faster. You also lose a lot of heat through your neck, so not covering it can really make you feel cold fast. Wrap yours in a chunky knit scarf, zip up your jacket or hoodie, or tie a sweater around your neck.
READ MORE: What To Wear When It’s Really, Really Cold
2. Wear loose layers. When the temps first start to drop, you are especially susceptible to being cold–because you’re just not dressing appropriately for the new weather. Remember that fall and spring are all about layers–you need to be prepared for when the temps are cooler like in the early morning and night. Even if the weather report says that the high will be 70, it actually takes awhile to get there and it’s really only that degree for a short time. Wear layers like sweaters, scarves and light jackets. But here’s the catch–your layers should be LOOSE, not tight or confining. Tight or confining layers can actually cause you to sweat, and sweat causes moisture which makes you colder.
READ MORE: Can You Really Get A Cold From Seasons Changing? Here’s The Answer
3. Eat ginger. Ginger stimulates blood circulation and raises your body temp. Drink ginger tea, put ginger in your salad dressing or make ginger cookies. You can even put ginger in your shoes to make your feet warmer (it works like that!).
4. Drink tea. Drinking hot liquids like coffee or tea and foods like soup activates heat sensors along your digestive tract. This creates a warming sensation from the inside out. Also, holding the container in your hands is a super-fast way to warm your fingers (one of the places you’re likely to freeze first!).
READ MORE: Is It Better To Be Too Hot Or Too Cold When You Sleep?
5. Curl up in a ball. The trick here is to make your body one large mass so it doesn’t radiate (lose) heat from your arms and legs. Put your arms inside your shirt and hold them around your torso. Pull your knees up to your chest, too, and hold that position for as long as you can.
READ MORE: 10 ‘Look-Cute-In-The-Cold’ Looks We Stole From The Best-Dressed Celebs
[Photo: Barefoot Blonde]