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I've actually caught myself saying, "Wrinkles schminkles, I'll just get Botox. They'll have perfected it by the time I need it." Repeating those words back to myself is extremely scary and goes along with that whole Gen X and Gen Yers' thinking they're invincible. Sunscreen – who needs it? Laser therapy will take care of that. Squinting at my computer screen all day – ah well, I'll just get a facelift. Is this really how we think? Personally, I think it's time for a change. I've made a pact to take better care of my face – I'd like to be able to stand the sight of it in the mirror in 30 years.
So, what am I doing differently? I'm wearing a face lotion with 30 SPF everyday. That's right – everyday. It's not effective if you get fried one day out of the month and take good care the other 29 days. Repeat after me ladies – everyday. Secondly, I’m starting to do face yoga.
Yup, face yoga. Or face-er-cise if you will. I was blessed with no chin. Thanks mom (she doesn't have one either). I've been worried about that dreaded turkey gobbler for a few years now – so I'm going to be proactive with Flex-Away System's facial toning device.
It's the newest trend in the fight against the signs of aging. This at-home cosmetic mouth piece safely strengthens your facial muscles without surgery! I'll take $49 bucks versus the thousands that surgery will cost. And, it only takes 2 minutes, total, out of your day. Who doesn't have 2 minutes to spare for beauty?
Here are some pics of how this device fits in your pie hole. First is how you place your teeth around the device, second is the expanded position for exercise and third is the contracted position.
Check out these before and after pictures:
That's quite a difference! You can watch the full instructional video online at or purchase it and get started with your face-er-cises for just $49.