The Ingredients You Should Add To Your Meals For Better Digestion, Gut Health, And Weight Loss Include Garlic And Peppermint

November 3, 2023 by Mariam Qayum


When it comes to achieving better digestion, promoting gut health, and shedding those extra pounds, the solutions might be closer to your kitchen than you think. In the quest for improved well-being and weight management, we often overlook the power of simple, everyday ingredients. Surprisingly, staples like garlic and peppermint, which have long adorned our culinary adventures, can serve as secret weapons in your journey towards optimal health.

We spoke with Dr. Kezia Joy, MD, to learn about the numerous benefits of garlic and peppermint when it comes to your gut, digestion, and weight, shedding light on how these common ingredients can be transformative allies in your quest for a healthier, more balanced life.


Garlic, a versatile and widely cherished ingredient, is not only a culinary superstar but also a powerhouse of health benefits. Its distinctive pungent flavor and aroma have made it a staple in kitchens worldwide.

"Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds, notably allicin, which is released when garlic is crushed or chopped. These compounds stimulate the gastric system to aid in digestion and have antimicrobial properties which can help balance gut bacteria. Moreover, garlic has been associated with a potential thermogenic effect, slightly increasing metabolism, which can indirectly support weight loss," Joy reveals.

She also suggests that to maximize its benefits, consider incorporating raw garlic into dishes such as salads, salsas, or dressings for a vibrant burst of flavor and health benefits. If the intense pungency of raw garlic proves to be overwhelming, a gentle sauté can mellow its taste while preserving its significant advantages. But she warns, "Be cautious about overcooking, as excessive heat can diminish some of its potent compounds. Incorporating garlic into your daily meals, whether in a pasta sauce, stir-fry, or roasted vegetables, can be an effective way to harness its benefits for gut health and potential weight loss."


Peppermint, with its refreshing and invigorating flavor, is a herb celebrated for its diverse applications. It's not just a delightful addition to teas, but also a versatile ingredient in culinary creations, imparting a cool, minty note to everything from desserts to savory dishes.

Joy states that "peppermint has long been revered for its soothing effects on the gastrointestinal tract. The natural compounds in peppermint, particularly menthol, aid in relaxing the digestive tract's muscles, helping to alleviate symptoms like bloating and indigestion. This soothing effect can promote smoother digestion and relieve common gut discomforts. In the context of weight loss, peppermint may play a more indirect role by reducing digestive discomfort, which might make individuals more conscious of their food intake and choices."

Joy shares that incorporating peppermint into your diet is a breeze, and one of the most refreshing methods is by savoring a cup of peppermint tea. This not only delivers the soothing digestive advantages of peppermint but also offers a calorie-free, hydrating option that complements any weight loss plan. Additionally, you can enhance the flavor and nutrition of your meals by including fresh peppermint leaves in smoothies, salads, or yogurt for an extra burst of minty freshness.

She concludes by noting that "for a more concentrated approach, peppermint oil capsules are available, though they should be taken under the guidance of a healthcare professional, especially for those with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) as peppermint can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, potentially exacerbating symptoms."

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