The Best High-Protein Edible Cookie Dough Recipe You Can Eat While Still Losing Weight

February 24, 2024 by Mariam Qayum


Embarking on a weight loss journey often involves making mindful choices about what we eat. While desserts are typically associated with indulgence and weight gain, there is a growing awareness that not all sweet treats are created equal. One such innovative approach to healthy indulgence is the emergence of high-protein desserts. These desserts are crafted to satisfy sweet cravings while aligning with weight loss goals.

TikTok creator Claire Hodgins (@clairehodginss), who boasts over 430K followers on the app and creates healthy high-protein recipes, shared a high protein cookie dough recipe that is loaded with 30g of protein.

High-Protein Edible Cookie Dough Recipe

To make this delicious high-protein treat, Hodgins starts by blending oats into oat flour in her nutribullet. She then adds that to a bowl with vanilla protein powder, your choice of sweetener, baking soda, and salt. Mix those ingredients and then add some milk. Once you get a thick cookie dough consistency, stir in chocolate chips and that’s it!

Oats are a rich source of fiber, which promotes a feeling of fullness and helps control appetite. The inclusion of oat flour in the recipe adds a complex carbohydrate element that is digested more slowly, providing sustained energy and reducing the likelihood of energy crashes, which can contribute to overeating.

Protein is a crucial component in any weight loss journey. It enhances satiety, meaning it helps you feel full for longer periods.

This high-protein edible cookie dough recipe is crafted with ingredients that contribute to a sense of fullness, provide sustained energy, and offer nutritional benefits crucial for a well-rounded weight loss approach.


Ingredients:– 1/2 cup oats– 1 serving @promix vanilla whey protein (you can use any vanilla protein powder of your choice)– 1 tbsp sweetener of choice, (Hodgins used monk fruit)– 1/4 tsp baking soda– 1/4 tsp salt– 1/4 cup milk of choice– 1 tbsp choc chips

Instructions:– Blend the oats into oat flour– Add to a bowl with protein powder, sweetener, baking soda and salt– Mix then add a splash of milk at a time until you get a cookie dough consistency, you may need 1/4 to 1/3 cup of milk– Stir in choc chips and enjoy! You can also keep this in the fridge for up to 5 days.

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