Experts Say Deleting These 3 ‘Useless’ Apps Can Help You Save Big On Storage

February 22, 2023 by Lisa Cupido


Storage is one thing your phone can honestly never get enough of. The more storage your phone contains, the more data your device can store and the more photos and videos it can take (and on and on). If you’re thinking about buying more storage space, hold that thought — there may be a completely free and simple way to gain back valuable storage that require nothing more than deleting a few apps that are pretty darn useless. Tech Expert Deepika Adhikari, consultant at Thenaturehero, recommends deleting three “useless” apps to save big on storage.

Three Useless Apps

According to Adhikari, these are three examples of some useless apps you can delete to save storage space on your device.

Stock Apps: “Your smartphone comes with pre-installed stock apps that cannot be removed but can be disabled,” Adhikari said. “For example, you may need help with the Stocks, Compass, or Tips apps. To conserve storage space, you might choose to disable them.”

Weather Apps: The pre-installed weather apps on your device might suck up a lot of storage space, according to Adhikari. “If you have several weather applications, you might want to delete all but one to make room on your device. Delete them to help conserve battery life. Certain weather apps may also consume a lot of battery life.”

Game Apps: A few games might be great for helping you pass time when you’re in a doctor’s waiting office — but do you really need all of those games on your phone? “Several game apps can consume a significant amount of storage space, and if you don’t often play them, they might be viewed as ‘useless’ apps,” Adhikari said. “To free up storage space, you might delete games you haven’t played in a while.”

Why are they mostly useless? 

“Useless” is a relative term, of course, and the apps that are useless to you may be a necessity to someone else. But, generally speaking, the three apps Adhikari lists may not be frequently used by the user or have minimal functionality. “Stock apps may come pre-installed on the smartphone, but only some users may find them helpful or relevant,” he said. “If you already have several apps, weather apps could be redundant, and game apps might need to be utilized more frequently or updated.”

Why do they take up storage space? 

Simple: these apps store data, files, and information linked to the app, which means they consume storage space on your device. “It’s possible for some apps, such as games or weather apps, to have a lot of data and visuals that consume a lot of storage space on your device,” Adhikari said. “You may free up storage by removing these ‘useless’ apps, enhancing your device’s speed.”

Don’t waste another day with useless, storage-sucking apps on your iPhone. Give these apps the boot and gain back valuable storage space on your device. 

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