
3 Low-Glycemic Foods To Eat For Weight Loss, According To Experts

June 18, 2023 by Georgia Dodd
shefinds | Food

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is essential to your overall health and weight management for several reasons. If your blood sugar is too high all the time, it can lead to permanent damage to your kidneys, nerves, eyes, and more. Too low, and it could result in short-term issues like drowsiness and trouble concentrating. Low blood sugar can also lead to long-term issues like seizures and even a coma. Thankfully, there are ways to manage your blood sugar so that it stays perfectly within the target range. That includes adding the right types of foods to your diet.

Specifically, a low-glycemic diet can help manage blood sugar levels and weight in a healthy way. Dr. Kelvin Fernandez, a physician and healthcare educator at Ace Med Boards, explains, “The glycemic index (GI) is a value assigned to foods based on how slowly or how quickly those foods cause increases in blood glucose levels. Foods low on the glycemic index (GI) scale tend to release glucose slowly and steadily. Foods high on the glycemic index release glucose rapidly.”

To learn more about low-glycemic foods for weight loss, we spoke with Dr. Fernandez, and Sophia Turner, a registered dietitian, fitness coach, and co-founder of Slimetc. They agree that lentils, berries, and quinoa are the best low-glycemic foods for weight loss. This is because they’re rich in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates, and low on the glycemic index (GI) to slow how quickly they increase your blood glucose levels.

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Green lentils in a bowl

1. Lentils

If you're not already on the lentil train, it's time to get on board! Lentils, plants known for lens-shaped seeds, are classified as legumes, which are plants that produce pods that contain seeds. These plants can certainly make a healthy addition to dinner and are known for their versatility. And, lentils are a great low-glycemic food you can eat to stabilize your blood sugar and manage your weight. "Packed with protein and low on the GI scale, lentils are a staple in my kitchen. They're versatile, too; I often throw them into soups and salads and even make lentil burgers for a tasty change," Fernandez says.

Turner agrees. "Lentils are an excellent low-glycemic food choice. They are rich in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates, making them a nutritious and satisfying option for weight loss. The high fiber content in lentils slows down digestion, leading to a gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream," she says. This can help stabilize your blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of insulin spikes and subsequent fat storage.

She continues, "Lentils are an ideal food for weight loss due to their low-glycemic nature and nutrient density. As a rich source of fiber, lentils slow down the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, preventing blood sugar spikes. The slower release of energy provides a steady supply, keeping you satisfied and reducing the likelihood of overeating. Additionally, the high protein content in lentils contributes to satiety, as protein takes longer to digest and has a higher thermic effect." Lentils also provide essential nutrients like iron and folate, supporting overall health.

Berries and apples

2. Berries

When it comes to the healthiest fruits out there, it doesn't get much better than some tasty, high-fiber berries. Berries, like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, are great for your heart, your waistline, and your tastebuds. Plus, they're another great low-glycemic food that can help with weight loss and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

"They are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals while being relatively low in calories and carbohydrates. The fiber content in berries helps slow down digestion, preventing rapid spikes in blood sugar levels. Additionally, the natural sweetness of berries can satisfy cravings for sugary treats without causing the same blood sugar rollercoaster," Turner notes. Adding berries to your diet provides a nutrient-dense and low-calorie option for weight management.

"Furthermore, antioxidants in berries help combat oxidative stress and inflammation, which are associated with weight gain and chronic diseases," she continues. "The low-calorie nature of berries allows you to enjoy a larger portion while keeping your overall calorie intake in check." Plus, blueberries can help boost collagen levels for younger-looking skin.

Fernandez also recommends another fruit as a low-glycemic food for weight loss: apples. "Not only are they low in GI, but they're also high in fiber, which can keep you feeling full for longer periods. I remember during my residency; I would keep a bag of apples with me for those long shifts. They were the perfect energy boost, and they kept my hunger at bay!"

Bowls of cooked and uncooked quinoa

3. Quinoa

Another great superfood that is also low-glycemic is quinoa. This fantastic alternative to rice is incredibly versatile and makes a healthy addition to your plate. Instead of refined grains like white rice or pasta, quinoa provides an amazing amount of fiber. "Quinoa is high in fiber and protein, making it a filling food that can aid in weight loss," Turner tells us. "The combination of fiber and protein slows down digestion and promotes satiety, helping you feel fuller for longer periods. Quinoa also contains essential minerals like magnesium and manganese, supporting overall health."

"Quinoa is also a good source of plant-based protein, providing all nine essential amino acids. Protein aids in muscle maintenance and repair supports metabolism, and contributes to a feeling of fullness," she adds. "Quinoa's mineral content, including magnesium and manganese, is crucial for energy production and optimal bodily functions."

Salad bowl with chicken apples quinoa

The Bottom Line

So there you have it! Lentils, berries, and quinoa are low-glycemic foods that are beneficial for weight loss because they help regulate blood sugar levels, prevent insulin spikes, and promote satiety. On the other hand, when we eat high-glycemic foods like sugar, processed treats, our blood sugar levels rise rapidly. This can trigger a release of insulin which promotes fat storage and can lead to increased hunger and cravings, ultimately stalling weight loss efforts. That's why it's so important to consume low-glycemic foods to maintain your blood sugar levels and promote healthy weight loss. Additionally, a balanced diet of low-glycemic foods is just one piece of the puzzle. It's also essential to exercise regularly, stay hydrated, and get plenty of sleep. And, remember, sustainable weight loss is a gradual process that requires time and patience.


Editorial Assistant

Georgia Dodd is a New York-based editorial assistant at SheFinds Media. When she's not covering the latest in wellness, beauty, fashion, and celebrity news for SheFinds, she spends her time reading sci-fi books, trying new foods, and listening to a true crime podcast. You can reach Georgia at [email protected].

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