
The Royal Family Faces Sarah Ferguson's Cancer Diagnosis After Health Updates From Kate Middleton And King Charles

January 24, 2024 by Maria Pierides
shefinds | Celebrity

2024 hasn’t gotten off to the best start as far as the royal family’s health is concerned, as it’s just been revealed that Sarah Ferguson, 64, was diagnosed with malignant melanoma, an “aggressive” form of skin cancer. This comes just six months after she had been diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a single mastectomy.

The news about the Duchess of York’s skin cancer diagnosis dropped a few days after it was announced that King Charles, 75, would be undergoing treatment for an enlarged prostate. Buckingham Palace revealed the King’s health news on the same day it revealed that Kate Middleton, 42, was in hospital following planned abdominal surgery.

King Charles has postponed some of his planned meetings and public appearances, and is expected to make a swift recovery and return to his public duties quite soon. The Princess of Wales is expected to take a little longer to recover from her surgery, and won’t return to her public duties until after Easter. The Prince of Wales will therefore also be cutting back on his public duties to look after his wife and their three children: Prince George, 10, Princess Charlotte, 8, and Prince Louis, 5.

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Sarah Ferguson on The View

Everything We Know About Sarah Ferguson's Skin Cancer Diagnosis

According to The Sun, the Duchess of York was diagnosed with malignant melanoma – an "aggressive" form of skin cancer – following the removal of a cancerous mole during treatment for breast cancer, which she was diagnosed with in the summer following a routine mammogram screening. She had a single mastectomy at King Edward VII hospital in Marylebone, central London, last year, and was very open with her breast cancer diagnosis in a bid to encourage other women to get checked.

The Duchess of York, who is mom to Princess Beatrice, 35, and Princess Eugenie, 33, reportedly had several moles removed and analyzed while having reconstructive surgery. According to The Sun, the test results came back just a few days before Christmas, confirming that she was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. She is reportedly undergoing further investigations to ensure the melanoma has been caught in the early stages.

The Duchess of York's spokesman released a short statement on Sunday, which read: "Her dermatologist asked that several moles were removed and analyzed at the same time as the duchess was undergoing reconstructive surgery following her mastectomy, and one of these has been identified as cancerous. She believes her experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, color and texture and emergence of new moles that can be a sign of melanoma."

Sarah Ferguson on This Morning

Sarah Ferguson Opens Up About Skin Cancer Diagnosis On Instagram

The Duchess of York, who is patron of the Teenage Cancer Trust, took to her personal Instagram account on January 22nd to share an update about her diagnosis.

"I have been taking some time to myself as I have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer, my second cancer diagnosis within a year after I was diagnosed with breast cancer this summer and underwent a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. It was thanks to the great vigilance of my dermatologist that the melanoma was detected when it was," her Instagram post began.

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A post shared by Sarah Ferguson (Fergie) (@sarahferguson15)

"Naturally another cancer diagnosis has been a shock but I'm in good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support," she continued, before going on to urge others to be vigilant with checking moles. "I believe my experience underlines the importance of checking the size, shape, color and texture and emergence of new moles that can be a sign of melanoma and urge anyone who is reading this to be diligent."

"I am incredibly thankful to the medical teams that have supported me through both of these experiences with cancer and to the MAYRLIFE Clinic for taking gentle care of me in the past weeks, allowing me time for recuperation," she added, in reference to the high-tech MAYRLIFE Clinic in Altaussee, Austria. She is now back in the U.K., and finished off her message by saying: "I am resting with family at home now, feeling blessed to have their love and support."


Senior Celebrity Writer

Maria has spent the last decade writing about entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle for online and print publications all around the globe – including InStyle, OK!, and The Mirror. At SheFinds, Maria covers breaking celebrity news, red carpet looks, celebrity transformations, A-list couples, and has a watchful eye on celebrity social media accounts. You can reach her at [email protected]

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