The One Serum You Should Stop Using Right Now Because It Causes Sagging Skin Over 30

January 20, 2020 by Hannah Kerns


Although adding a serum to your skincare routine might seem like a good idea, some serum ingredients actually speed up signs of aging. With that in mind, steering clear of these ingredients is especially important if you want to maintain a youthful appearance.

According to experts, these serum ingredients can age you prematurely despite being common in skincare products. Specifically, avoid using any serum with Methylparaben if you are trying to achieve younger looking skin.


Steering clear of this common skincare ingredient is essential if you want your skin to look its best.

According to Dr. T.Y Steven Ip, a renowned plastic surgeon, this ingredient could add up to some serious damage. He explains, "When [Methylparaben is] used in large amounts, the toxic molecules cut down collagen levels, which can actually speed up cell aging and death."

Collagen is key when you are trying to look younger--making this ingredient a serious red flag in any skincare product. Additionally, collagen is largely responsible for maintaining your skin's firmness and elasticity.

Maintaining your collagen levels, then, is a super important component of stopping skin from sagging.

Despite these problems, Methylparaben is a popular ingredient in many skincare products. Dr. Ip explains, "It is a chemical that tends to be used in many foundations, moisturizers, and even anti-aging treatments."

With that in mind, checking your beauty cabinet for any skincare product that contains Methylparaben can be a good start in achieving more youthful skin.

In fact, sticking to paraben-free beauty products can be a good route to improve the health and look of your skin. Additionally, sulfate-free and alcohol-free beauty products can also make a huge difference in your overall appearance and help reduce signs of aging.

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