Makeup Artists Say That This Is The Worst Type Of Concealer For Women Over 40–It Emphasizes Wrinkles!

February 24, 2023 by Lisa Cupido


Some people save foundation and bold eye makeup looks for special occasions. But makeup devotees often have one product that they faithfully turn to every day to make the most impact on their look with minimal effort. And for many beauty lovers the one must-have product is a great concealer. The right concealer that’s a perfect match for your skin tone AND skin type can work wonders, helping to eliminate dark circles, hyperpigmentation, and acne, as well as provide the look of a well-rested person who slept nine hours and not your usual five. But the key words are “the right concealer.” Because the wrong one — especially when added to aging skin that is showing fine lines and wrinkles — can have the opposite effect and make you look more tired.

Makeup Artist and Hairdresser Jill Turnbull, who has 47 years of experience in the beauty industry, knows her way around a tube of concealer. And if your goal is NOT to emphasize wrinkles, she says this is the worst type of concealer for women over 40.

Worst Concealers

Thick makeup is basically your mortal enemy if your skincare goal is to appear natural and fresh. “Avoid thick or dry powder concealers, which can settle into fine lines and wrinkles,” Turnbull says. “Avoid full-coverage concealers with a heavy texture or matte finish, such as Tarte Shape Tape or Nars Radiant Creamy Concealer. These types of concealers can be drying and emphasize fine lines.”

To avoid making wrinkles more visible, Turnbull also advises that you should prep your skin, and hydrate with a moisturizer or primer before applying concealer (no matter which concealer you choose). “Also, be careful not to use too much product or the wrong shade, as this can create a cakey look and draw attention to imperfections,” she says. 

What Concealer Should You Use Instead? 

Instead of powders, Turnbull recommends opting for creamy, hydrating formulas that provide coverage without looking heavy. “As for my personal favorite concealer for mature skin, I recommend using a hydrating and illuminating formula like No Sweat Foundation, a full-coverage and transfer-resistant all-in-one foundation and concealer that instantly conceals imperfections that provides a flawless second-skin look that lasts all day,” Turnbull says. “You can use it as a foundation or concealer and build the coverage to get a radiant, natural matte finish.” 

Think: light coverage with a hydrating formula that brightens the under-eye area when you’re shopping for concealers. 

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