
Get Rid Of Dry & Cracked Feet With This $5 Hydrating Foot Spray From Amazon

August 1, 2023 by Victoria Garcia
shefinds | beauty

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It’s okay to admit that summertime wreaks havoc on your feet. Wearing sandals and going barefoot at the beach and at the pool isn’t the best way to treat our feet but it is the best way to enjoy time outdoors. If you are looking for a solution to help keep your feet in tip top shape, we’ve found something for you!

The Freeman Flirty Feet Coconut and Aloe Instant Peeling Foot Spray, $5.99 uses magic skincare ingredients aloe and coconut to help moisturize the soles and heels of your feet. This product is meant to gently exfoliate and remove dead skin cells, so you don’t have to worry about having dry or peeling feet. We vetted this product and searched through all the Amazon reviews to make sure it is the right product for you!

Freeman Flirty Feet Coconut and Aloe Instant Peeling Foot Spray, $5.99

Although many of us get regular pedicures to help keep our feet looking their best, oftentimes that isn’t enough. The Freeman Flirty Feet Coconut and Aloe Instant Peeling Foot Spray, $5.99 is a foot peel mask and is said to give you soft and supple feet that look and feel rejuvenated. One shopper said, “I doubted this product even as I ordered it. To my surprise this product works immediately. First time I applied it I massaged it into my feet and the dead skin just comes right off. It is worth the price.” It turns out, it’s not too good to be true!

Aloe and coconut are great ingredients that are used in a lot of other skincare products out there. The Freeman Flirty Feet Coconut and Aloe Instant Peeling Foot Spray, $5.99 bottle has over 50 uses and is supposed to be used every 7 to 10 days for the best results. Whether you have cracked feet, calluses or peeling skin, this spray is said to improve your feet’s texture. Another customer said, “I’m shocked and happy. It actually works. I have very sensitive and very dry skin, so I have to spend a lot of time on pedicures because my feet get calloused. I just had a pedicure on Saturday. On Monday I got this product, so I was afraid to try it on “freshly softened” feet. I did what the instructions said — sprayed it on and started rubbing it around and OMG a lot of dry dead skin just rolled off. It was amazing.”

Treat your feet to a special gift with the Freeman Flirty Feet Coconut and Aloe Instant Peeling Foot Spray, $5.99. We all have our special remedies and rituals we use during a self-care day, and we think using this product should be one of them!


Commerce and Native Content Writer

Victoria Garcia is a NYC based editor and writer with a love for reality television, fiction books and a good happy hour. She's a foodie at heart so you'll most likely find her trying to locate the best slice of pizza the city has to offer.

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