How To Correct 3 Common Makeup Mistakes, From Too Much Blush To Smudged Mascara

March 28, 2016 by Lisa Cupido


It’s happened to the best of us. In an attempt to create a truly flawless face, you went, well, overboard. When it comes to makeup, you can definitely have too much of a good thing, but fortunately applying too much mascara, eyeshadow, blush or powder doesn’t mean you have to start from scratch. Below, celebrity makeup artist Latisha Nicole Rankin explains how to correct makeup blunders when you’re in a rush and run the risk of being mistaken for a circus performer on your morning commute.

Too Much Eyeshadow

“Depending on what color eyeshadow you are wearing, you can use your fingertips, an eyeshadow brush or makeup remover wipes to correct the problem,” Rankin says. “If you use an eyeshadow brush to blend and continuously brush, the eyeshadow it will fade out, which will soften the appearance of color on your eyelid.”

Not within reach of a eyeshadow brush? Your fingers can also do the job. “Using your ring finger, tap your eyelids in circular motions to eliminate some of the excess shadow,” Rankin says. “Be sure to have tissues or makeup remover wipes on hand as this technique may drop the excess shadow onto your under eyes and face.”

If you prefer to use makeup wipes, Rankin suggests this simple trick: “Take a wipe and lightly dab until some of the shadow fades off. Make sure to do this very gently because you can very easily remove all the shadow if not done carefully.”

Smudged Mascara

“Every makeup lover needs Q-Tips in their makeup bag, ideally the pointed-tip ones to reach all the tiny and tight facial spaces,” Rankin says. “If your mascara smudges, here are three quick-fix options:

1. Take a pointed-tip Q-Tip and dip it into a liquid eye makeup remover (I recommend the most effective way to remove lipstick (because makeup remover wipes taste gross) and the best eye makeup remover if you have really sensitive skin.

Follow me at @lisacfogarty on Twitter.

[Photo: Imaxtree]


Beauty, makeup
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