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If you thought waist training was a thing of the past, Kylie Jenner is here to prove you very, very wrong. The reality television personality, model, and entrepreneur recently shared a photographer on Instagram of her up to her old tricks–waist training.
The 20-year-old gave birth to Stormi Webster on February 1, 2018, exactly 8 weeks ago today. Even though it’s only been a few months since she had her first baby, the new mom posted a mirror selfie wearing a tight waist trainer earlier last week. Kylie included a caption that promoted the Waist Gang Society trainer in the Instagram ad.
“My girl @premadonna87 hooked me up with the @waistgangsociety snap back package. #ad waistgang has the BEST quality snap back products. make sure you get your package & follow @waistgangsociety to join & keep up the journey together. tag us in photos, and head over to NOW! Use code (Kylie) for an exclusive discount & I can keep up with your progress!” the caption read.
Kylie started waist training back in 2015 after big sister Kim went public about it. Now, the entire Kardashian-Jenner family have been open about their love for the waist training shapewear trend. Honestly, we think the family can be credited for practically starting the fitness fad, in our opinion. Waist training for the Kar-Jen group is a family affair.
Since spring officially just started, summer beach bodies are on the top of our minds right now. But obtaining your dream body is a struggle because, you know, pizza and Netflix. If you’re having trouble reaching your flat stomach goals for bikini season, we have a solution for you.
Waist training is super popular and highly regarded by celebrities for a reason. Waist trainers help you achieve the slim stomach you desire. However, a big downside to stomach trainers is that they can be a little pricey. The Waist Gang Society Postpardom Snapback Baby Bump Package that Kylie is boasting about has a price tag value of $197.99. Just a little steep, if you ask us.
Since no one besides the Kardashians has close to $200 to spend on a body shaping slimming corset, we found a way for you to DIY your own. All you need to make your own waist trainer is 3 simple ingredients. It’s so easy!
1. Plastic wrap
2. Sea Salt
3. Vitamin E oil
For your own DIY waist trainer, follow these 5 quick and easy steps:
Step 1: Start by massaging vitamin E oil onto your stomach. You want to make sure you’re belly is completely covered with oil everywhere.
Step 2: After you’re fully covered in oil, begin wrapping your stomach with the plastic wrap. This step is hard to complete alone so it’s better to enlist the help of a close friend or family member. Having someone help will allow you to make sure the plastic wrap is super tight and effective.
Step 3: Wear the body wrap for as long as you feel comfortable. The longer and more frequently you put on your DIY waist trainer, the better.
Step 4: When you’re finally ready to take off your body shaper, be prepared for things to get a little messy. The plastic wrap is going to be covered in the vitamin E oil that you rubbed all over your stomach so it’s best to remove it in the bathroom so you can hop right into the shower afterward.
Step 5: While in the shower, use the third and final ingredient of sea salt to exfoliate and massage your stomach to help improve circulation for tighter abs.
For the best results, waist training needs to be a repeated process over a prolonged period of time. This is true whether you DIY a waist trainer or buy an expensive name brand one. No matter what weight loss plan you follow, consistency and repetition is the key to progress. After about 2 weeks, give or take a little, of making your DIY waist trainer, you’ll really start to see improvement.
But you don’t have to take our word for it–the proof that the trend works is in the massive A-lister following. The entire Kardashian-Jenner family swear by the waist training trend, what more could you need?
Have you ever tried a waist trainer or body wrap? Let us know what you think in the comments below!