
How To Fix Eyeliner Mistakes Without Starting Over #SHEfindsSolutions

June 26, 2017 by Alisha Stacy
shefinds | beauty

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Say Goodbye To Dark Circles, Puffiness, And Fine Lines With This Refreshing Under-Eye Brightener!

There is nothing better than a sharp and perfect wing. But anyone who’s attempted to create one knows it’s not always easy to achieve. If you mess up, chances are your first thought is to remove all the eyeliner you already applied and start over. But the fact is, this really isn’t the best solution, especially if you’re using black or dark eyeliner. Instead, we suggest you follow the tips below when you need to fix your winged eyeliner. You’ll never start all over again!

Tip One: Always start thin. If you first apply a thin line and it is not as even or straight as you want, you have room to go over the original line and fix it without having the product cover your whole eyelid.

Tip Two: If you get some eyeliner on your lid or in areas you don’t want it, use a pointed Q-tip, dip it into eye makeup remover and take away the unwanted product. If you had eyeshadow on, use a tiny amount to reapply.

Tip Three: If your wing is not as sharp as you want it or you want to clean it up, use some concealer with a flat brush and blend it under the eyeliner.

Be sure to also check out the best lightweight sweaters for Summer and how to get a salon-like pedicure at home.


Marketing Manager, Contributing Editor

Alisha Stacy creates compelling branded content for SheFinds--on behalf of clients as our marketing manager, and e-commerce posts as a contributor to the editorial team. She covers the latest in fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. You can reach her at [email protected].

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