Thanks To Kerastase, Your Hair Will Forgive You For All Those Dye Jobs

June 6, 2008 by Bryn

What: Kérastase Resistance Hair Treatments

Why: A longtime cult favorite among beauty insiders and in-the-know celebs (Beyonce's rumored to worship their Bain Satin), French haircare company Kérastase released a new product line this week for ladies (and gents, I suppose?) with uber-damaged hair. We're talking triple-processed, heat-exposed, and otherwise tortured within the last inch of its life hair. According to Kérastase, the new Resistance line fortifies your ratty locks from both the inside and the outside, providing double reconstruction. The exact science of it goes way over my head, but I trust this brand enough to know that most anything they put out makes hair look pretty amazing. And the fact that everything has a French name makes it all sound so sophisticated.

And I have to admit, my hair may not be damaged, but after a couple days using the Bain de Force shampoo and refinishing treatment, there wasn't a fly-away in sight.

Get Yours: kerastase-usa.com

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