The Only Place You Should Test New Foundation (FYI, It’s Not Your Face)

September 8, 2016 by Katelyn Holland


Shopping for foundation is tricky. If your foundation is the wrong shade, your whole makeup game will be off. Foundation is supposed to look like your skin but better. So if your face, neck, and chest are all different colors, there’s a problem. A lot of people end up with mismatching foundation because they buy the wrong shade in stores. How do they make this mistake? By testing foundation in the wrong place.

So where’s the best spot to test your foundation? It’s your jawline. Your jawline is where your complexion is the most even. Plus, this spot is inconspicuous; testing foundation here won’t mess up the rest of your makeup. The trick is to test three different foundation shades in this area. Then pick the foundation that looks “invisible.” If you can’t see the foundation, that’s a good thing.

Here are some of the places you shouldn’t test your makeup:

    Your hand: Most peoples hands are a completely different color than their face. This is almost never a good way to match foundation. In superficial lighting: Store lighting can often be deceiving. For a better shade test, test a foundation in natural light. It might seem crazy to run outside with a compact mirror to check a foundation swatch, but is it any more annoying than having to drive to the store and return the wrong foundation you just bought? Your neck: Your face casts a shadow down upon your neck, so your neck does not get as much sunlight as your face. This means your neck is often a completely different shade than your face.

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[Image: Peace Love Shea]


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