The Scary Reason You Should Never Share Tweezers

December 12, 2016 by Lisa Cupido


If you’re a beauty perfectionist, there’s a good chance you’ve found yourself face-to-face with a friend who has unruly eyebrows and have begged her to let you groom them. You may even be the type who carries tweezers in your purse (admit it, it’s okay).

You may think you know which beauty products you can share–like nail polish–and which you should never, ever let touch another human soul after you make contact with it–mascara, I’m looking at you. But, believe it or not, sharing your tweezers is a big no-no, for one super gross reason.

If you use your tweezers for one sole purpose–to pull stray hairs from your brow area–it’s probably safe for you to pass them to a friend so she can pull that really annoying hair in between her brows. That is, assuming pulling the hair hasn’t caused you to shed blood, which happens more often than you might think and is often so unnoticeable you might be ignoring it when it does occur. Passing a contaminated tweezer back and forth puts you and your buddy at risk for bacterial infections and blood-borne diseases. Obviously, it’s much better to risk keeping a stray hair around until you can get your own pair of tweezers from home.

If you have your brows groomed at a professional salon, your esthetician should disinfect her tweezers after each and every client using high-grade disinfectants. If you suspect this isn’t happening, make sure you speak up–or find a salon that is taking safe precautions with its grooming tools.

For more eyebrow tips, check out the one thing you should never do when plucking your eyebrows and what is microblading? 


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