How healthy is your iPhone battery? An odd question, perhaps, and one that you may not feel equipped to answer, but the proof could very well be in the number of times you have to charge your phone each day. The reality is: if you are running around all day long searching for chargers, there’s little doubt that your phone’s battery could use a boost. Before you begin deleting apps like Facebook and Snapchat or considering a new phone battery, Zac Yap, the founder and IT Manager of, suggests instead following these two life-changing iPhone tips that can prolong your battery’s health.
Optimize your battery charging
iOS devices come with a feature called “Optimized Battery Charging” that can significantly improve your battery’s health, Yap stresses. “This feature uses machine learning to understand your daily charging patterns and intelligently manages the charging process to reduce the wear on your battery,” Yap says. “It works by slowing down the charging rate when your iPhone reaches 80% and completes the charge to 100% just before you usually unplug it.”
By avoiding prolonged periods of being fully charged, Yap says this feature prevents the battery from staying at maximum capacity for extended periods, which can contribute to battery degradation over time.

Enable low power mode
When you're running low on battery or want to conserve power, Yap points out that enabling Low Power Mode can be extremely helpful. “Low Power Mode reduces or disables certain battery-draining features and functions in your iPhone,” Yap says. “It adjusts settings such as screen brightness, mail fetch, background app refresh, and visual effects, among others, to minimize power consumption. By temporarily limiting these energy-consuming processes, your iPhone can conserve battery life and extend the time between charges.”
Yap reiterates that these tips help with battery power in the following ways:
Optimized battery charging prevents overcharging, which can degrade the battery's capacity over time. By slowing down the charging process and avoiding extended periods at maximum charge, the battery experiences less stress and maintains a healthier overall state.
Low Power Mode reduces power consumption by temporarily disabling or reducing the energy-intensive functions and features of your iPhone. By reducing background activity and limiting power-hungry processes, your device consumes less energy, resulting in a longer battery life.
“By incorporating these two tips into your iPhone usage habits, you can effectively prolong your battery's health and optimize its overall performance in the long run,” Yap says.