In the world of fruits, it seems that nothing can make these colorful foods unhealthy. They can come in various flavors and textures and are packed with vitamins and nutrients. They’re also versatile, as you can eat them whole, in smoothies, or even toss them in salads; they’re truly the best of both worlds when it comes to health. However, did you know that there are some fruits that are perhaps not as good for your health as you thought? It turns out that some fruits are loaded with sugar despite the nutrients they offer.
We spoke to health experts to let us know which surprisingly healthy fruits we should be minimizing from our diets in order to protect our health in the long run. Health expert Mahmoud Abdelaziz from and Anne Obligar, registered dietitian, writer, and health consultant at GainingTactics revealed to us that bananas, grapes, and pineapples are the ‘healthy’ fruits that are actually not great for your health due to their sugar levels and contribution to weight gain.

Bananas are one of the most popular foods on the list of healthy fruits. They are easily accessible, convenient if you’re in a rush, and can be eaten anytime as a snack or added to various breakfasts. However, bananas are known to be just as high in sugar as they are in potassium.
Obligar states, “If you consume too many of them it can interfere with your sugar level. And you know what happens when our blood sugar roller coasters? Yup, the cravings hit hard, leading us to make not-so-healthy snack choices, and the weight starts creeping up.” Bananas are a naturally heavy fruit that leaves you feeling full, but the high sugar content can lead to hunger very quickly.
Abdelaziz gives us alternatives we can eat instead of bananas. “Consider moderating your portion size and pairing bananas with a source of protein or healthy fats. Opt for lower-sugar fruits like berries, which are rich in antioxidants and have a lower glycemic index, causing a slower and steadier rise in blood sugar levels.”

Grapes come in all different shapes and colors and are a super fun fruit to snack on when you need a little pick-me-up. From sour to sweet, who doesn't love a good bowl of grapes, especially for weight loss? Sadly, just like bananas, grapes contain natural sugars, and the problem mostly lies in the quantity that people eat them in.
Abdelziz explains, “They are easily consumed in large quantities, which can quickly add up to significant sugar intake. Additionally, grapes have a high glycemic index, causing rapid increases in blood sugar levels.” Instead of grapes, he recommends other better options that include apples and pears. They’ll still provide you with a sweet flavor while also reducing your sugar intake.
He also suggests pairing these healthier alternatives with a good source of protein to help you feel full and stabilize blood sugar levels.

You wouldn’t expect this delicious tropical fruit to be on this list, but unfortunately, this nutrient-dense fruit packed with antioxidants is also high in sugar content. “While it offers beneficial nutrients like vitamin C and manganese, consuming large amounts of pineapple can lead to sugar spikes and potential weight gain,” Abdelaziz notes. Like other fruits, there are healthier options you can include in your diet instead of pineapple. Abdelaziz recommends to “consider incorporating lower-sugar fruits like kiwi, melons, cantaloupe, or watermelon into your diet. These fruits offer vitamins and minerals with a lower impact on blood sugar levels.”
Although these fruits are high in natural sugar content, that doesn’t mean you should cut them out completely. The goal of a healthy diet is to balance out your lifestyle, and this can include eating certain fruits in moderation instead of overindulging in one fruit and putting your weight and health at risk. Obligar concludes, "The key is moderation and variety. You may still enjoy a sweet treat while being aware of your health by broadening your fruit options. So, go ahead and experiment with healthy choices!"