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Let's be honest--Drynuary is for the drinkers. It certainly wasn't invented by people who don't drink (because their life is a Drynuary). It was imade for those of us who imbibe regularly--and sometimes heavily--and need a break. That's how it started, at least: the first-known Drynuarys were done by restaurant industry people who wanted to renew their appreciation for spirits after excessive holiday consumption. It truly works for that purpose, and that's why you'll notice that a lot of them do it again and again. And now *everyone* is doing it--there's probably at least one person in your circle who's taking the month of January off, right?
If that person is you, I'm here to share my insights from doing it for a whopping 11 days (I'm pretty proud of myself, K?). My husband and I are doing our first-ever Drynuary--and so far I actually love it, and I never expected I would say that. It's tough to give up your favorite nighttime pastime (and sometimes, daytime one)--but it can be made a lot easier with a few simple steps. Here's what I've discovered >>

1. Don't: Go it alone.
You absolutely need a buddy for this activity. Whether that's a friend, significant other, sibling or what... you need someone to cheer on your successes and keep you on track when you're tempted to cheat. Ideally, it should be your drinking buddy or the person you party with most. Without them on board, you'll be tempted to fall off the wagon at every turn. If my husband was drinking, I would have caved day 1. But instead, he's been a great support system and encouraged me to stick to the plan--especially on the weekends (thanks hunny!). If your buddy doesn't live with you, use apps like Snapchat to stay connected and share

2. Do: Make plans for Friday night.
Don't go home and sit on your couch and twiddle your thumbs. Friday night is the hardest time for the challenge--you feel like you deserve a drink after the long work week. The best thing you can do is busy yourself--ideally, by going to the gym, playing a sport, or doing something else that is counter to drinking but that gives you all the good feels. Another trick is to remind yourself that it's "only 4 weekends" that you have to get through. As my husband says, you can do anything 4 times!

3. Don't: Expect to drink water only.
You can't expect to go from having delicious beers and wines to drinking plain water. You need to stock your fridge with non-alcoholic beverages like seltzer water or club soda, diet soda or light juice, flavored water... anything but straight water. I've been living for this simple mocktail (a pregnancy trick!): seltzer with a splash of cranberry juice and lime. Put it in a wine or beer glass. These small tricks work wonders.