If you’re looking to lose weight, we probably don’t have to tell you twice that your metabolism is one of the most important factors to keep in mind. The rate at which your body burns calories and converts them into energy plays a central role in how quickly you’ll be able to shed pounds—and in order to boost your metabolism, you’ll want to make sure you’re eating nutritious foods that provide your body with everything it needs to burn those calories faster than ever before.
To discover some of the best foods you can eat for a faster metabolic rate, we spoke to health experts Dana Ellis Hunnes PhD, MPH, RD and author of Recipe For Survival and George Yang, RDN and Founder of Yanre Fitness. They told us about 4 ingredients you can add to your plate every day for easier weight loss. Read all of their insights below!

Great news for vegetarians or anyone who loves cooking with tofu! Hunnes says this plant-based protein is one of the best metabolism-boosting foods you can eat every day in order to lose weight and burn more calories. "[Tofu] is very high in protein which increases the thermic effect of food (calorie burn)," she explains, noting that "it also has calcium in it and phytonutrients." And if you've heard bad news about the phytoestrogens found in tofu, don't pay that any mind! The myth that this hormone is bad for you has been debunked numerous times, Hunnes assures us. Just enjoy your tofu and reap all the benefits!

Need a great side to go with your tofu dish? Look no further than protein-packed beans like edamame. Hunnes notes that this food is "high in fiber and protein" but "relatively low in calories." Sounds like a match made in metabolism-boosting heaven to us! She explains that thanks to the high amount of fiber, your body takes more energy to process this food. As an added bonus, it's also loaded with b-vitamins, "which are important for the metabolism." Perfect!

Got a craving for avocado toast? Dig in! Yang tells us that "avocado is high in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which promote satiety," and when you stay fuller longer, not only will you avoid snacking later in the day, but you'll also be able to burn calories faster. This tasty food is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which Yang notes may help boost your metabolism, too. "Inflammation can definitely interfere with a lot of different things in your body, one of which might be metabolism," he explains. However, be careful when it comes to portion sizes, since this fruit is relatively high-fat.

Pass the ginger tea, please! Yang says this gut-healthy spice has been eaten for digestion since ancient times. "Eating ginger boost digestion and burns calories faster," he explains, noting that when this root is digested, "the cells in the ginger break down, increasing body heat." This increase in body heat then allows your body to burn calories faster—i.e. raises your metabolic rate. Looking for a great way to work ginger into your daily diet? Yang has a suggestion: "Take dried ginger and mix it with hot water as a tea and drink it daily to increase your metabolism," he says. Sounds like the perfect beverage to sip throughout the day!