
5 Beverages To Drink Before Bed To Beat Morning Bloat, According To Doctors: Lemon Water & More

May 23, 2024 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Health

Morning bloating can throw a wrench into your day before it even starts, leaving you feeling sluggish and uncomfortable. However, finding relief from this common issue might be simpler than you think, and it could start with what you drink before bed.

The choices we make before bed can have a significant impact on our well-being, both in the short term and the long term. The foods and beverages we consume before bed, in particular, can influence our digestive system overnight, setting the stage for how we feel when we wake up. While certain foods could exacerbate painful morning bloat, sipping on particular beverages could proactively address digestive discomfort and pave the way for a smoother, more comfortable morning routine. To discover a few of the best options to do just that, we spoke to Dr. Mrinal Pandit. Find all of her top recommendations below to beat morning bloat and kickstart your day on the right foot.

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lemon water

1. Warm Water with Lemon

Drinking warm water with lemon before bed can work wonders for your digestive system. As Dr. Pandit explains, "Warm water with lemon can help stimulate the digestive system and promote peristalsis, the waves of muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract." Additionally, lemon water aids in maintaining hydration levels, essential for optimal digestion and preventing constipation—a common culprit behind morning bloating. Lemons' citric acid also enhances enzyme function and stimulates the liver, aiding in detoxification and reducing bloating overnight.

ginger tea

2. Ginger Tea

Known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties, ginger tea is a soothing elixir for your digestive system. "Ginger tea can help stimulate saliva, bile, and gastric juices, aiding in better digestion and reducing the likelihood of morning bloating," Dr. Pandit explains. This aromatic beverage also acts as a carminative, relieving gas buildup and preventing bloating. Sipping on ginger tea before bed can help calm your stomach and promote a restful night's sleep, free from discomfort.

peppermint tea

3. Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is another excellent option for soothing digestive woes and preventing morning bloating. "Peppermint contains menthol, which has a soothing effect on the digestive tract muscles, helping to relieve spasms and discomfort," notes Dr. Pandit. This refreshing tea encourages the expulsion of gas from the digestive tract, reducing bloating and feelings of fullness. Additionally, peppermint tea improves bile flow, aiding in the digestion of fats and preventing digestive issues that can lead to bloating overnight.

fennel tea

4. Fennel Tea

With its antispasmodic effects, fennel tea is a natural remedy for bloating caused by gastrointestinal spasms. "Fennel tea helps relax muscles in the gut and ease bloating," Dr. Pandit explains. This aromatic tea also relieves gas, bloating, and indigestion, promoting overall digestive comfort. By stimulating the production of gastric enzymes, fennel tea aids in the breakdown of food and reduces the likelihood of bloating overnight.

aloe vera juice

5. Aloe Vera Juice

Sipping on aloe vera juice before bed can soothe your digestive tract and prevent morning bloating. "Aloe vera is known for its soothing properties, which can help reduce gastrointestinal inflammation and irritation," says Dr. Pandit. This natural laxative also aids in regular bowel movements, preventing bloating due to constipation. Furthermore, aloe vera helps balance the good bacteria in the gut, promoting better digestion and reducing bloating overnight.

woman drinking tea with headphones

Bottom line

Ultimately, incorporating these doctor-recommended beverages into your bedtime routine can help alleviate morning bloating and promote better digestion overnight. From warm water with lemon to soothing herbal teas like ginger, peppermint, and fennel, each beverage offers unique benefits for your digestive health. By making these simple yet effective choices before bed, you can wake up feeling refreshed, revitalized, and free from morning bloat, ready to tackle the day ahead with confidence and comfort.

READ MORE: 2 ‘Healthy’ Foods You Might Want To Cut Out Because They Lead To Digestive Issues & Bloating


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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