If you’re trying to lose weight, you may be faced with a challenge: How can you enjoy the things you love—like sweet, indulgent coffee drinks—while staying on track with your fitness journey? Unfortunately, many specialty coffee drinks from places link Dunkin’ and Starbucks are loaded with unhealthy ingredients that could put your health at risk and thwart your weight loss goals. But that doesn’t mean there’s not room for a bit of compromise!
You don’t necessarily have to kick your Starbucks habit to reach your goal weight. When you make smart choices, you can stay on track while still satisfying your sweet tooth. Some drinks just need a bit of modifying to reduce their sugar content, while there are a few great options that are just fine on their own, too.
So, what exactly are these healthy Starbucks choices? Dietitian Devika Sharma recently shared a few tips on Instagram. In addition to urging her followers to make their drinks half sweet, unsweetened, or sugar-free; avoid whipped cream; use non-fat or reduced milks; and go with iced drinks, she shared a few of her favorite weight loss-friendly orders. Find them all below!

1. Iced Tall Violet Drink
You've heard of the iconic Pink Drink, but have you tried the Violet Drink yet? This creation takes the Very Berry Hibiscus refresher and adds coconut milk for a creamy, satisfying, yet low-calorie treat. Believe it or not, a tall version of this delicious beverage is only 90 calories. Yes, please!

2. Iced Grande 1 Pump Toasted Vanilla Oat Milk Shaken Espresso
A perfect marriage of bold espresso with the sweetness of toasted vanilla and the richness of oat milk, this shaken espresso is simply to die for. By reducing the sweetness to one pump, you'll be doing your body a major favor. This modification can bring a grande drink down to just 90 calories. Heck yeah!

3. Iced Tall Pink Drink
A classic favorite with a twist, the Pink Drink combines the sweetness of strawberry acai with the tropical creaminess of coconut milk, providing a satisfying sip. This drink is pretty weight loss-friendly as it is, which means that you can order it without any modifications. When you go with a tall, you'll be sipping on a decadent treat for a low 110 calories!

4. Iced Grande 1/2 Pump Vanilla Cold Brew + Splash of Sweet Cream
The iconic Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Brew is one of the tastiest options on the Starbucks menu, but it can unfortunately pack in a lot of calories. Luckily, when you go with just a half pump of vanilla and a splash of sweet cream, you can greatly reduce the calorie content while still savoring those sweet flavors. It's only 80 calories. Sign us up!

5. Iced Tall Chocolate Almond Milk Shaken Espresso
Chocoholics rejoice! This beverage brings together the robust flavor of shaken espresso with the richness of chocolate almond milk, all within a low calorie count. The best part is that this order doesn't involve any modifications; you can order it straight up and enjoy it in all of its glory. A tall is only 80 calories. Not bad at all!

6. Iced Tall 1/2 Pump Non-Fat Milk Caramel Macchiato + Light Drizzle
Don't forget the classics! Although a typical Caramel Macchiato may be loaded with more sugar and calories than you should consume if you're trying to lose weight, this simple modification from Sharma is a perfect way to go. Reduced sweetness and a lighter drizzle allow you to enjoy the same flavors you love without any of the guilt. It's only around 120 calories!
READ MORE: 3 Unhealthy Coffee Ingredients To Ditch Completely If You Want To Slim Down In 2024