Your body has lots of ways of letting you know something is off balance on the inside, and one of the biggest is your hair. Hair loss can sometimes be a sign that there’s something wrong—from conditions like thyroid disease to anemia, and even nutrient deficiencies, there are lots of reasons you could be experiencing hair thinning. It could even be something as simple as aging. When your hormones go through changes as you age, you could experience a change in hair texture, especially because growth slows. Regardless of the cause, hair loss can be frustrating and hurt your self confidence. We asked Shantise Michelle, a celebrity stylist that specializes in Cranial Prosthesis, what the best trick is for giving an appearance of thicker hair.

First of all, what is a common cause of hair loss? One that Michelle often sees is traction alopecia, or repeated tension on the scalp. “This can be caused by braids being too tight and the use of weaves. It could be genetic and directly inherited from your family. As well, it could be new medication the individual is taking or caused from age.” Causes for hair loss are very individualized, so before you diagnose yourself with anything, consult with your doctor so you can get the necessary tests done to get the full picture.
In the meantime, what are some easy tricks that will make your hair appear thicker? A lot of it has to do with color, according to Michelle. “One method for thicker hair is coloring it black. It gives the illusion that the individual's hair is fuller and gives a vast and natural shine to the hair.” On your next visit to the salon, ask your stylist about going darker for a thicker, healthier, more shiny look.

While a fresh dye job can give you an immediate fix, there are things you can do to get natural growth back. Avoiding tight hairstyles that put a lot of pressure on your scalp and reducing the use of hot tools are things you can do to take care of your hair, especially if it’s been exposed to a lot of damage. Additionally, making sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating a nutrient dense diet are things that support healthy hair growth.
The appearance of your hair can be impacted by uncontrollable things like age, but it could also be a sign that something bigger is at play. If you notice significant changes in hair texture or hair loss, you should consult with your doctor to rule anything serious out. Along with this, you should be prioritizing a balanced lifestyle (with things like adequate sleep and nutritious diet) to make sure that your internal health is the best it can be. How you style your hair is also an easy trick to give it a boost and achieve the appearance of thicker, healthier locks. Try dying your hair darker to give it more shine and fullness.