It can be easy to forget about your weight loss goals in the winter. You’re all bundled up, there are tons of desserts to choose from over the holidays (although you can still make a semi-healthy pie!), and all you want is to eat plates and plates of comfort foods. However, if you want to get a head-start on your New Year’s resolution or just stay on track with your progress, there are tons of tasty foods you can eat this winter that are as healthy as they are delicious. In fact, there are a few vegetables doctors say can be a great help on your weight loss journey.
To get the low-down on some of the best winter vegetables for weight loss, we spoke to holistic physician Sony Sherpa, M.D. from Nature’s Rise. She told s that green peas and beetroot are at the top of her list. Read on to learn why!

Green peas
It's time to stop picking around your peas! Dr. Sherpa tells us this round green veggie can be a great addition to your diet this winter if you're looking to lose weight. "Green peas are an ideal snack because they are low in calories but rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals," she raves. Thanks to all that protein and fiber, adding peas to your plate is a great way to stay fuller longer and avoid overeating later on in the day. Additionally, she notes that "most of the calorie content of green peas comes from complex carbs, which are a great source of energy for people who are trying to lose weight." Noted! Luckily, this vegetable is super versatile; you can throw it into soups, add it to stir fry, bake it into a hearty pot pie, or even eat it on its own as a side. It works in so many warm dishes—which is just another reason it's perfect for the winter.
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Beetroot probably isn't one of the first things that come to mind when you think of vegetables. However, although it may be one of the lesser-appreciated options out there, Dr. Sherpa says you shouldn't sleep on its fantastic health benefits. "Beetroot isn’t only delicious; it is also packed with nutrients, has no fat content, and is low in calories," she says, noting that this veggie is "a good source of fiber, which promotes good digestion and helps maintain regular bowel function," all of which can aid weight loss as well. You can add beats to a salad, toss them with some pasta, or eat them on your own as a side. But one of the best ways to get your daily dose is to juice them! This is an especially great option if you're looking for something to help you ace your workout. "When consumed as juice, beets increase nitric oxide levels, which improve blood flow to the muscles and improve performance during exercise," Dr. Sherpa explains. Nice!
Of course, the best way to lose weight is to maintain a balanced diet, which means eating a diverse range of foods that can nourish your body with everything it needs to function to the best of its ability. There are so many vegetables out there that can help you shed pounds this winter! However, if you've found yourself in a food rut and are looking for some of the best options to add to the mix, you definitely can't go wrong with green peas and beats. We'll be picking both up on our next grocery trip!
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