
These Are The Best Exercises For Flexibility And Toning, According to Yoga Expert

September 16, 2022 by Faith Geiger
shefinds | Health

If you’re just getting started on your fitness journey, building the perfect routine can seem like a daunting task. From cardio to HIIT workouts to strength training, there are so many moving parts to consider, and so many ways to go about all of them. However, one of the best ways to ease into things is to start with some simple yoga poses—as it turns out, a daily yoga practice can actually make a big difference over time. As yoga instructor Claire Larson says, “One of the most satisfying aspects of practicing yoga is that baby steps can yield big results in how you feel physically, both in regards to flexibility and muscle tone (not to mention all the mental benefits as well!). Simply moving your body through a range of both challenging and restorative postures can help you build strength and increase your range of motion.”

We spoke to Larson to learn more about the benefits of yoga and discover some of the best poses you can start doing today to build muscle and improve your flexibility. Find all of her top tips below!

Cat Pose & Cow Pose

If spinal flexibility is what you’re looking for, Larson says a cat/cow flow is the perfect way to warm up your muscles and start your yoga routine. Here’s how she says it’s done:

1. Start on all fours in a tabletop pose.

2. When you inhale, lower your belly and pull your heart forward and up, keeping your shoulders rolled down your back so that your neck doesn’t crunch back. This is the cow pose!

3. When you exhale, tuck your chin in, round your spine, and pull your mid-back up toward the ceiling. This is the cat pose!

4. Repeat this flow by alternating between these poses

Chair Pose

For tighter buns, stronger legs, and better posture, you should incorporate the chair pose into your routine. Larson says “chair pose is a great way to build strength in your glutes and legs and to work on good spinal posture.” Find the steps below!

1. Start with your feet together or just slightly apart.

2. Put your weight into your heels and sit your hips down and back, as if you were sitting down in a chair.

3. Bring your arms above your head. You may choose to rest your hands on your heart-center if you find raising your arms is too painful for your shoulders.

4. Tighten your lower belly and tuck your tailbone.

Side Plank

Although the side plank may be one of the most dreaded parts of your workout, it’s important to include it if you really want to tone your body as much as possible. As Larson says, “side plank pose is an excellent posture for building strength in the obliques and shoulders.” Here’s the step-by-step process, as outlined by Larson:

1. Start in a basic plank pose.

2. Bring one hand towards the middle of your mat slightly.

3. Bring your feet closer together.

4. Lift your opposite arm and rotate your torso while you roll onto the outer edge of your foot.

5. Lift your hips high to engage your obliques. Be careful not to sag or to put all of your weight into your shoulder.

6. Repeat and alternate sides!

Baby Cobra

Larson describes baby cobra as “a hidden gem of posture.” If you haven’t tried it out yet, it’s definitely time to give it a shot! As she says, “so many things are happening at once,” from spinal and abdominal toning to spinal flexibility thanks to the backbend. She notes that “backbends also increase your heart rate, so you really need to focus on maintaining control or your breath.” Got it! Here’s how she says you can try this great pose yourself:

1. Start by lying down on your belly with your hands beneath your shoulders.

2. Zip your feet together and press the tops of your feet down into the mat—hard enough that your kneecaps nearly lift off the ground.

3. Slowly lift your chest off the ground without placing weight in your hands and squeeze your elbows behind your back.

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Additional Tips

At the end of the day, there's a whole myriad of yoga poses out there to help improve flexibility and tone your muscles, but these ones Larson shared are a fantastic place to start. To help you along the way, she offered a few more tips to keep in mind as you go through your personalized yoga routine. Above all, she stress that "your breath is key!"

When it comes to flexibility, Larson says you should "think about finding more length on every inhale" while holding your poses. And when it's time to exhale, "allow yourself to sink a little deeper into your posture." What's important is remembering to stay connected to your breath, because, as she explains, "You'll find that the more connected you are with your breath the more you can tune into the sensations of your muscles."

As far as breathing while building strength and toning your muscle goes, she emphasizes the fact that you should "use your breath to build strength in your practice by tightening your muscles on your exhales." Using the chair pose as an example, Larson tells us that you should "focus on refining your posture and creating a little more length in your spine" with each inhale, while you should squeeze your glutes and core on your exhales. "You'll feel your muscles fully engaged as you build strength," she concludes. Noted!


Editorial Assistant

Faith Geiger is a New York-based writer and editor. When she's not covering the latest in health and wellness for SheFinds, she spends her time watching reality TV with her roommates, browsing used bookstores, and enjoying live music. You can reach Faith at [email protected].

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