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Sometimes all it takes is one small change to completely turn around your life. Carly Grennor found this to be true when just eight months after she eliminated sugar from her diet she dropped over 100 lbs and transformed her outlook on health. With one adjustment to her eating habits, Carly was able to reverse her near-constant foot pain, clear up her skin, and discover a confidence she didn’t know she had.

Throughout her 20’s, Carly admitted that her wellness took the backseat as she adopted a series of unhealthy habits brought on by injury and overworking. As she inched closer to 30, she realized that things were spiraling and she needed to make some major changes to get her weight back under control. Before eliminating sugar, Carly recalled how uncomfortable she felt in her own body, “I was achy, easily got sick with whatever happened to be going around at the time, and I had very little energy,” she said.

Deciding she needed to prioritize her long term health, Carly completely eliminated sugar from her diet, opting instead to fill her meals with lean protein, plenty of vegetables and an adequate amount of fiber. The effect was instantaneous, and she remembered, “The first week was absolute hell. I had headaches and nausea around day 2 and 3, and I just felt absolutely crummy. But by the end of the week, I felt lighter, more energized, and there was a definite shift in mental clarity.”

Now that she has lost over 100 lbs from this basic diet change, Carly believes that cutting sugar could be beneficial for almost anyone with health struggles. “I recommend this lifestyle to everyone. The body does not need processed foods or added sugars. The mental clarity, confidence, and energy I have gained are amazing--and the 100 lb weight loss was a wonderful side effect!”

Over 8 months after she adopted her new outlook on wellness, Carly has worked to reincorporate small amounts of sugar back into her diet--but as with everything, she eats it in moderation. “I always tell people, it’s not a matter of what I can and can’t have; it’s a matter of how much and how often. I know when I’ve indulged a bit too much, and it’s so easy to course correct now that I’ve put in the work to cut out sugar.”