Doctors Agree: The One Supplement You Should Be Taking If You Suffer From Insomnia –It Helps So Much!

August 22, 2021 by Olivia Avitt


Sleep is one of the most underrated necessities of a healthy lifestyle. In our society, which prioritizes work and productivity, quality sleep is something that often gets put on the backburner. Poor sleep not only makes it harder to stay awake during the day, but it has also been linked to other health issues such as weight gain, immune dysfunction, and increased inflammation.

With 67% of Americans saying they experience stress that negatively impacts their physical health, struggles with sleep are a very common byproduct of a society that’s wrapped up in the hustle. If you want to find alternatives to over-the-counter or prescription sleep medications, there are plenty of lifestyle changes that can be made to help you get quality sleep so you can feel your best, with supplements being a natural remedy for catching more shut eye.

The first thing to look at when trying to improve your sleep habits? Sleep hygiene. According to The Sleep Foundation, strong “sleep hygiene” is defined as “having both a bedroom environment and daily routines that promote consistent, uninterrupted sleep.” 

There are many ways to improve your sleep hygiene, and believe it or not, it doesn’t always mean just sleeping longer. “What’s important to realize is that quality of sleep is more important than the quantity. Due to various lifestyle factors, many of us are overwhelmed and stressed, which leads to poor quality sleep," says Erin Mewshaw, the Clinical Director for the New York Center for Innovative Medicine. Mewshaw says that first and foremost, quality sleep hygiene starts with refining your waking habits. Doing things like shutting off electronics and eating your last meal 2-3 hours before bed and exercising daily are two things you can do to sleep better at night. 

Aside from that, consistency of when and how you sleep are crucial pieces of your sleep hygiene regimen. “Going to bed at the same time every evening and waking up at the same time each morning creates a regular sleep pattern and reinforces your circadian rhythms,” Mewshaw says. “Also, meditation or yoga before sleep can help set a relaxing routine. This will also help to reduce stress which contributes to insomnia at night.” 

If you’ve tweaked your daily and nightly routines and are still looking for an extra boost, one of Mewshaw’s favorite supplements she recommends for those struggling with insomnia is tart cherry juice, which she says “helps to naturally increase melatonin production in the body. This in turn will help you fall asleep faster and provide deeper quality sleep.” She recommends Rowe Casa’s tart cherry juice as an affordable option to help put you right to sleep.

We often forget that sleep is just as important for a healthy life as balanced eating and exercise. At the end of the day, consistency and patience are the key to transforming your sleep quality. A healthy waking lifestyle, coupled with pre-sleep rituals and relaxation techniques are the best ways to get better sleep, maximizing overall wellness in the process. 

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