
5 Exercises Fit Girls Do Every Day

April 27, 2017 by Amanda Seale
shefinds | Style

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I’m the type of person who thinks about the gym and then moans. You too? Well, who actually enjoys being surrounded by sweaty people in a crowded room? Especially when you feel awkward and judged by the hardcore workout junkies lifting 200 pounds over their heads. Count me out! You don’t have to have a gym membership in order to be fit. Nora Tobin, a beach volleyball player who created her own unique fitness program, loves these workouts and the best part is you can do them in the comfort of your own home and backyard!


[Photo: Shutterstock]

girl side plank

1. Side plank


“This exercise is my secret weapon to help tighten and shrink my waistline,” says Tobin, “It works the deep abdominal muscles (obliques, transverse abdominus) that many abs exercises don’t reach.” All you have to do is lie down on your side with your knees straight and prop your upper body on your elbow and forearm. Then, raise your hips to form a straight line and hold for 30 seconds. Switch to your other side and repeat! How easy is that?


[Photo: Shutterstock]

girl push up

2. Push-up


“I’m a huge fan of this classic exercise because it works the entire body, burning a significant amount of calories, as well as tightens my chest muscles to keep things perky in your bikini,” says Tobin. To do a proper push-up, lay down on the floor, place your hands slightly wider but in line with your shoulders, and put your feet together. Push up and then lower your body until it’s a little off the ground. Make sure your whole body is in a straight line and you engage your abs (your butt shouldn’t be high in the air!) That’s all there is to it.


[Photo: Shutterstock]

girl running on treadmill

3. Cardio intervals


Before you moan, this is only short spurts of cardio. Tobin says, “Incorporate high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your routine to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, as opposed to long, slow endurance exercise.” You can choose any type of cardio (jump rope, running, bike, etc.) and repeat Tobin’s pattern 10 times: 3 minutes at 50 percent of your maximum effort, 20 seconds at 75 percent of your maximum effort, and 10 seconds at your absolute maximum effort. Cardio made easier!


[Photo: Shutterstock]

girl stepup

4. Step ups


Tobin likes this exercise because it “targets the muscles of your glutes and hamstrings to create leaner, stronger legs, and a tighter, lifted rear. Step ups also work your quadriceps since they require you to straighten your knee against resistance.” This is also easy to do wherever you want. First, find a bench or step and put one foot firmly on top. Second, press into the step and push up until your leg is straight. Third, lower back down keeping the same foot on top of the step. Keep your chest up and core engaged and make sure not to lean too far forward or backward.


[Photo: Shutterstock]

girl bridge outside

5. Bridge


Last but not least is the bridge, which looks a little funny but it’s as easy as the rest of the exercises. According to Tobin, “Bridges are not only the perfect exercise for a perfectly rounded rear, but they will also help keep your back healthy and pain-free.” To do it, you lie face up on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Then, you raise your hips up so your body makes a straight line. Pause at the top and then lower your body to the starting position. That’s it! Now, you’re all set with a complete workout that you can easily do anywhere!


[Photo: Shutterstock]

girl flat stomach abs

For more exercise tips, check out The Worst Exercises That Are Slowing Your Weight Loss, According To Fitness Professionals and The One Exercise You Should Do To Speed Up Your Metabolism, According To A Doctor.


[Photo: Shutterstock]


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