Losing weight can certainly be tough. This may be especially true if you’re trying to do it over 40; as we age, factors like hormonal changes, lifestyle changes, and more could get in the way of your weight loss goals. For this reason, it’s increasingly important to maintain a healthy diet if you’re looking to shed some pounds in middle age. In addition to adding nutrient-rich superfoods to your plate, that also means cutting back on fattening foods that could be making it difficult to slim down. Unfortunately, that includes one delicious but detrimental breakfast food.
We spoke to health expert Lisa Richards, nutritionist and creator of The Candida Diet, to get her take on the worst breakfast foods that may be holding you back from the flat belly of your dreams. She told us that despite their great taste, you should consider cutting back on bagels for faster weight loss. Learn more about the risks of this carb-loaded breakfast food below.

Bagels and belly fat
Sometimes nothing sounds better than a delicious bagel sandwich on a Saturday morning. However, the unfortunate truth is that making bagels a regular part of your diet could lead to belly fat and make it difficult to lose weight. In addition to the fact that they're loaded with refined carbs, bagels are also typically eaten with a range of fattening toppings, Richards notes.
"Bagels are one of the worst bakery items to purchase due to their calorie density and the toppings that are typically eaten along with them," she says, pointing out that bagels alone pack in "nearly 1,200 calories per pound."

When you add toppings to the mix, matters only get worse. Just think of all the cream cheese your favorite bagel shop smears on—and if you're eating a breakfast sandwich with inflammatory processed meats, all of that can really add up. "The cream cheese, sweeteners, nut butters and high fat meats used as toppings increase the calorie density of a bagel as well," Richards says.
Does this mean you have to give up bagels altogether? Not necessarily. We would never tell you to deny yourself the joy of treating yourself every once in a while. However, moderation is always key when it comes to weight loss. So, save the bagels for special occasions and try to stick to healthy choices like light cream cheese. In combination with a great workout routine, making your diet a priority and making compromises like this will thank you one step closer to a flattery tummy.
READ MORE: 2 Unexpected Beverages That Are Actually Leading To Belly Fat, According To Experts