If you’re trying to stay healthy and lose weight, starting your morning with a delicious bowl of oatmeal is usually a great idea. Oatmeal is packed with benefits that can help you blast fat and support a healthier body overall. However, it’s crucial to be mindful of the toppings you’re adding to your bowl; while there are plenty of opportunities to take your oats to the next level with healthy additions like berries and chia seeds, there are also a number of popular toppings that could put your health goals at risk. Some of the worst offenders include sweeteners like refined sugar. But luckily, there are a few options that can help please your sweet tooth without putting you at risk of weight gain and other health issues.
To discover one of the best choices out there, we spoke to dietitians Catherine Gervacio and Omaira Ferreira. Natural sweeteners are always a good idea, and according to them, monk fruit is at the top of the list. Read on to discover a few of the benefits of this sweetener.

Benefits of monk fruit
Put the brown sugar down! If you're trying to lead a healthier life, it's time to give monk fruit a try. "Monk fruit is a wonderful natural sweetener!" Ferreira tells us. "It comes from a small, green gourd-like fruit called monk fruit or Luo Han Guo, which is native to Southeast Asia."
Gervacio notes that although the best sweetener for you will partly depend on your personal taste, monk fruit is her go-to option. "Among all the sweeteners, the top on my list is monk fruit sweetener," she says. "Monk fruit sweetener is a good choice because it is from a natural source and does not have a high impact on blood sugar as compared to other added sugars."
Ferreira seconds this sentiment, pointing out that monk fruit has a low glycemic index. "This makes it a suitable option for people with diabetes or those following a low-sugar diet."

Additionally, this sweetener is a great option when it comes to weight loss. "One of the primary benefits of monk fruit sweetener is that it contains zero calories. This makes it an excellent choice for those who are watching their calorie intake or trying to manage their weight," she adds.
On top of all of this, monk fruit even offers up anti-inflammatory benefits. "Monk fruit contains natural antioxidants, such as mogrosides, which have been found to possess anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties," Ferreira says. "These compounds may help protect against oxidative stress and support overall health." Perfect!

All of this makes monk fruit an especially great replacement for refined sugar, which could lead to a range of issues when eaten in excess, and therefore should be left out of your healthy bowl of oatmeal. And luckily, monk fruit can taste just as great. "It has a fruity sweet taste that can go well with oatmeal, which is usually added with fruits. This can complement well with it," Gervacio says.
Ferreira agrees, emphasizing that this sweetener is delicious, versatile, and a fantastic alternative to sugar. "Monk fruit sweetener is known for its intense sweetness, often considered to be much sweeter than sugar," she says. "As a result, you only need a small amount to achieve the desired sweetness in your recipes. It can be used as a substitute for sugar in beverages, baked goods, sauces, and more. " Perfect!

Ultimately, if you love a bit of sweetness in your oatmeal but don't want the health risks that come with sugar, monk fruit is one of the best—and most delicious—ways to go. When you combine it with other healthy toppings, you'll be doing your body a major favor!
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