Eating enough protein every day is one of the best ways to reach your weight loss goals and nourish your body throughout the day. Protein is one of the three main macronutrients that your body needs to function properly (learn how to count macros for weight loss!). And, by replacing the fat and carbs in your diet with protein, you can curb your cravings throughout the day, fuel your body for your next workout, and boost your metabolism to burn fat.
To learn more about high-protein foods you can eat every day to reduce fat, specifically belly fat, we spoke with Jesse Feder, a registered dietitian, nutritionist, and personal trainer at My Crohns and Colitis Team, Heather Hanks, a nutritionist at Medical Solutions Barcelona, and Trista Best, a registered dietitian at Balance One Supplements. They believe that black beans and salmon are some of the best high-protein foods you can eat every day to burn abdominal fat. This is because high-protein foods like black beans and salmon have a higher thermic effect, or takes more energy to process, than fat or carbs. So, the body has to work harder to digest these foods and your body burns more calories and body fat in the process. Find out more about the benefits of these high-protein foods below!
READ MORE: A Nutritionist Shares The Best Fruit To Eat To Burn Belly Fat Every Day

Black Beans
Black beans, Best explains, provide your body with the necessary nutrients and energy it needs to take on the day. These beans, she says, "pack a ton of nutrients into any meal, which is helpful when you are working to get adequate protein on a plant-based diet and also to reduce your grocery budget." But, they're not just for vegetarians!
"The fiber content of these beans," Best adds, "will keep you full and satisfied long after a meal and is beneficial for feeding the gut's good bacteria, binding and flushing out toxins and waste from your body, and even helps to reduce cholesterol and body weight."

Not only is the fiber content in black beans beneficial for burning fat, but they are also "rich in protein." These beans are known for their high protein content. "Eating them along with rice is the best way to get in all 9 essential amino acids," Best says. And, she urges that black beans can also boost your metabolism and aid digestion. The more you know!
Feder agrees, and notes that the "healthiest high-protein bean choice that can support weight loss in my opinion, is the black bean." Black beans have one of the highest protein contents among beans, he says, and black beans are "also one of the lowest" in calories.
"Consuming foods high in protein and fiber, and low in calories can help preserve lean muscle mass while also keeping you satiated," Feder explains. That way you can "feel fuller for longer, and want to eat less, supporting weight loss." He recommends "getting in half a cup of black beans into your diet daily" to reap these fat-burning benefits.

Fish, particularly salmon, is another great food to incorporate into your diet if you want to boost your metabolism and burn belly fat. Not only does it offer healthy fats, but it also has a hearty amount of protein. Hanks explains that salmon is "an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D." So, the omega-3 fatty acids in this fatty fish can help "reduce inflammation, regulate immune health, and support digestion," all of which can aid you on your weight loss journey. These fatty acids also help strengthen aging hair and nails.

Hanks recommends having salmon every week and combining the fish with some other high-protein vegetables. "Try a salmon salad with low-carb veggies for lunch to promote satiety, increase energy levels, and improve digestion," she says. Hanks also notes that "salmon also goes well with veggies at night or an [omelet] in the morning." Yum!
Of course, burning body fat and building muscle will take more than eating high-protein foods. Proper exercise, and drinking enough water are essential for any weight loss plans. But, adding high-protein foods like black beans and salmon can also play a major role in reducing visceral fat!