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There’s nothing better than a big cup of hot coffee in the morning. It’s no surprise that we all need a little caffeinated pick-me-up during busy a.m. routines.
Thankfully, coffee has health benefits and can be good for you when you prepare it right. The trick is to keep it simple and to avoid extra creamers and sugars if you can. In fact, there’s one type of unhealthy coffee creamer you should stop using ASAP, according to experts.

Flavored coffee creamers can quickly add more sugars, calories, and trans fats to your otherwise balanced diet.

In an interview with Byrdie, family physician Dr. Nikola Djordjevic explains exactly what is lingering in your coffee creamer and the health risks it can present.
"A vast majority of coffee creamers contain water, sugar, and hydrogenated oil we know as a trans fat," Djordjevic says. "We consume trans fats when we eat animal products; however, if we take too much of trans fats, we’re putting ourselves at risk of raising LDL (or 'bad' cholesterol).”

Luckily, plain black coffee is still a tasty option for when you need to perk up in the morning. Black coffee also has nutritional benefits that makes skipping the creamers and sugar worth it.
According to Livestrong, coffee contains antioxidants and essential nutrients like chromium, potassium, niacin, vitamin E and magnesium.

What’s your favorite way to prepare your coffee? Let us know your go-to cup of joe in the comments below!